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A ball is thrown from a roof top at an angle of 45 above the horizontal. It hits the ground a few seconds later. At what point during its motion, does the ball have greatest speed?

A ball is thrown from a roof top at an angle of 45 above the horizontal. It hits the ground a few seconds later. At what point during its motion, does the ball have smallest speed?

A ball is thrown from a roof top at an angle of 45 above the horizontal. It hits the ground a few seconds later. At what point during its motion, does the ball have greatest acceleration?

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Step 1: Draw rough diagram for the motion of the particle

Step 2: Find the point at which the ball has greatest speed.
Let a ball is thrown from a roof top at an angle 45 with speed u.
At point B the ball will gain the same speed u and after point B ball moves in direction of force (gravitational force), so its speed increases and will be maximum just before reaching C (ground).

Final answer: just before it hits the ground.

Step 1: Draw rough diagram for the motion of the particle.

Step 2: Find the point at which the ball has smallest speed.
During upward journey from O to A, speed decreases (as ball moves opposite to direction of force i.e., gravitational force) and attains smallest speed at the highest point, i.e., at point A.

Final answer: At the highest point reached.

Step 1: Draw rough diagram for the motion of the particle.

Step 2: Find the point at which the ball has greatest acceleration.
The ball is moving under gravity so, acceleration is constant throughout the journey and is vertically downwards equal to g.

Final answer: a=g= constant.

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