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1. What is the snake trying to escape from?

2. Is it a harmful snake? What is its colour?

3. The poet finds the snake beautiful. Find the words he uses to convey its beauty.

4. What does the poet wish for the snake?

5. Where was the snake before anyone saw it and chased it away? Where does the snake disappear?

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1. The snake is trying to escape from being hit with a stick.

2. No, the snake is not a harmful one. Its small size renders it harmless even to the children.

The snake is green in colour.

3. The words the poet uses to convey the snake’s beauty are “beautiful” and “graceful”.

4. The poet wishes that the snake be left unharmed. He wants it to go over the water into the reeds to hide.

5. Before being spotted and chased, the snake was lying on the sand. The snake disappears in the ripples of water among the green reeds.

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Answer the following questions briefly:

(a) Why does the poet decide to stand and wait till the snake has finished drinking?

What does this tell you about the poet?

(Notice that he uses 'someone' instead of 'something' for the snake.)

(b) In stanza 2 and 3, the poet gives a vivid description of the snake by using suggestive expressions. What picture of the snake do you form on the basis of this description?

(c) How does the poet describe the day and the atmosphere when he saw the snake?

(d) What does the poet want to convey by saying that the snake emerges from the 'burning bowels of the earth'?

(e) Do you think the snake was conscious of the poet's presence? How do you know?

(f) How do we know that the snake's thirst was satiated? Pick out the expressions that convey this.

(g) The poet has a dual attitude towards the snake. Why does he experience conflicting emotions on seeing the snake?

(h) The poet is filled with horror and protest when the snake prepares to retreat and bury itself in the 'horrid black', 'dreadful' hole. In the light of this statement, bring out the irony of his act of throwing a log at the snake.

(i) The poet seems to be full of admiration and respect for the snake. He almost regards him like a majestic God. Pick out at least four expressions from the poem that reflect these emotions.

(j) What is the difference between the snake's movement at the beginning of the poem and later when the poet strikes it with a log of wood? You may use relevant vocabulary from the poem to highlight the difference.

(k) The poet experiences feelings of self-derision, guilt and regret after hitting the snake. Pick out expressions that suggest this. Why does he feel like this?

(l) You have already read Coleridge's poem The Ancient Mariner in which an albatross is killed by the mariner. Why does the poet make an allusion to the albatross?

(m) 'I have something to expiate'-Explain.

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