Days, Months and Years
Trending Questions
Q. Write the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Q. Which of the following months do not have 31 days?
- January
- February
- November
- September
Q. How many days are there in the month of January?
- 30 days
- 28 days
- 29 days
- 31 days
Q. How many months are there in 3 years?
- 24 months
- 36 months
- 15 months
- 30 months
How to check whether a year is a leap year?
If 1St October Is Sunday, Then 1St November Will Be_____
Q. During rotation, the part of the earth that faces the sun will experience _______.
- daytime
- nighttime
- midnight
- None of the above
Q. Mona took a leave from 25 Feb to 01 March. If it was a leap year, for how many days was she on leave? [ 2 Marks ]
Q. Write the table of 8 with the help of tables 3 and 5.
[2 marks]
[2 marks]
Q. How many hours have passed between
a) 10:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m
b) 4:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m
a) 10:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m
b) 4:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m
Q. Check whether the year 1920 was a leap year.
How many months in a year have days?
Q. How many days are in between 10th February and 20th June in the year 2020?
- 132 days
- 130 days
- 135 days
- 125 days
Q. Identify the given pattern and replace the question marks with the correct option.

Q. 1996 was a leap year. Anju started her journey from January 30th and ended on March 15th. What is the total number of days she traveled?
- 46
- 45
- 44
- 43
Q. On a pack of Ghee, it is mentioned as 'Best before 120 days from the date of packing'. If the date of manufacturing is 25/07/2019, the expiry date is _______.
- 12th November 2019
- 22nd November 2019
- 2nd December 2019
- 24th October 2019
What causes days and night
The average person lives for about years. Does the average person live for at least days? (Hint: There are days in each year.)
Q. Leela has not gone to school for 21 days. For how many weeks was she away from school?