Equivalent Decimals
Trending Questions
- Yes
- No
- Cannot say
Convert into decimal.
Write two equivalent decimals for
- 0.4
- 0.25
- 0.7
- 0.8
- 1.30
- 0.030
- 0.30
Convert unlike decimals and into like decimals
Convert the following fractions into decimals.
What is the hexadecimal equivalent of decimal number
None of these
Write the fraction and its equivalent decimal representation for the shaded portion of the following figure.
- True
- False
Convert the following fractions into decimals.
Choose the decimal(s) from the bracket which is(are) not equivalent to
6.35 = 6.350
Decimals that represent the same number are called equivalent decimals.
- True
- False

- Circles L amd M
- Circles M and N
- Circles N and O
- Circle L and O

- True
- False
Convert the following fractions into decimals.

- 0.300
- 0.003
- 0.03
- 3.0
46.712 kg. In the next two months, his weight changes as shown in the table below:

Bobby's final weight is
- 43.256 kg
- 44.256 kg
- 45.39 kg
- 46.39 kg
Explain how you would find the sum of and .

- Basket P
- Basket E
- Basket A
- Basket R
Convert the following fractions into decimals.

- 4.05
- 4.050
- 4.500
- 100
- 0100
- 01000
- 1.01
- 1.10
- 10.01
- 01.01

- I and II
- Only I
- II and III
- I and III
- 12.307
- 12.37
Convert the following decimals into like decimals.
Decimals which have equal decimal places are called _____ .
- Normal Decimals
- Unlike decimals
- Like decimals
- Regular decimals
Choose the decimal(s) from the bracket which is(are) not equivalent to