Trending Questions
Ostriches and Penguins are not classified as birds because they cannot fly.
Q. Do rabbits give birth to young ones or lay eggs? How will you know? (3 marks)
Q. The body of a bird is shaped like a boat to help them:
- fly in the air
- climb on the trees
- walk on the land
- float in the water
Q. I am a bird yet I cannot fly. I have small flippers and webbed feet. What am I?
- Vulture
- Duck
- Emo
- Penguin
Q. How many days does a caterpillar stay in the chrysalis before it emerges as a butterfly?
- 9 to 10 days
- 11 to 12 days
- 2-4 days
- 6 to 7 days
Q. Pick the one that does not lay eggs.
- Birds
- Frogs
- Bats
- Ants
What is function of feathers on the body of bird?
Find the odd one out.
Q. Mother butterflies lay eggs on the leaf of a specific plant.
- False
- True
Q. Select the animal which is not a bird but can fly.
Webbed feet help birds to ____.
Q. Why does the hen sit on its eggs?
- To provide warmth
- To protect them
- To feed them
- To hide them
Q. Amphibians lay their eggs in _______.
- land
- water
- trees
- nests
Name two wading birds
Name the structures that help birds to fly?
Q. Wings of birds are made of feathers and hollow bones.
- False
- True
Q. Select the aerial animal.
- Ostrich
- Crocodile
- Crow
- Penguin
Q. Arboreal animals are also terrestrial animals.
- True
- False
Q. Bat's wings are made up of ___________.
- bones
- scales
- feathers
- skin
What do we call the old skin that a caterpillar sheds?
- Pupa
- Chrysalis
- Moult
- Larva
Why do owls hunt only during the night?
Sensitive Taste
Sensitive Smell
Sensitive eyesight
Sensitive Hearing
Explain why aquatic plants have very short and small roots.
Q. What are the different types of visible ears? (3 marks)
Q. Aerial birds have bones to keep them light and a bone to help them change direction during flight.
- hollow
- tail
- solid
- flippers
On which of the following leaves does a female Plain Tiger butterfly lays her eggs?
- Willow leaves
- Milkweed (rui) leaves
- Parsley leaves
- Tulip leaves
Q. Which of the following adaptation helps ostrich in running?
- strong legs
- big feathers
- high weight
- long neck
Q. Wings are made up of feathers and bones.
- True
- False
Q. Aerial birds have ____ bones.
- soft
- hard
- hollow
- heavy
Birds ____ with the help of their tailbone.
change direction
change size of the tail
change position
change the speed of flight.
Q. What features in eagles help them in getting their food?