Characteristics of Birds
Trending Questions
Q. Why do birds build nests?
*There may be more than one correct option.
*There may be more than one correct option.
- To collect pollen grains
- To provide a safe environment
- To lay eggs and raise young ones
- To collect nectar and store them
Q. What is the name of a bird's house?
- Igloo
- Nest
- Teepee
- Tent
The forelimbs of birds (or) aves are modified into
Q. Some birds build their nests on the branch of a tree.
- False
- True
Q. The animals whose ears are not seen and have no hair on the skin lay eggs.
- True
- False
Q. Birds build their nests from , branches or leaves.
- twigs
- shrub
- root
Q. List two things which birds do to protect their nests from predators.
Q. Guess the animal.
I have hidden ears and no body hair,
But I still lay eggs.
I have hidden ears and no body hair,
But I still lay eggs.
- Giraffe
- Tiger
- Dog
- Crocodile
Q. bird builds its nest by stitching leaves together.
- Tailor
- Weaver
- Humming
- Sun
Q. Foldable shelters generally used in camping trips are called _____.
- tents
- natural caves
- teepees
- huts
In birds, flapping of wings provides both ___ and ___ in their air.
Q. Help a bird build its nest by selecting the right materials to build its nest.
*There may be more than one option correct.
*There may be more than one option correct.
- Sticks
- Grass
- Leaves
- Bricks
Q. Which of the given animal has the following characters?
1. Visible ears
2. Fur on their body
3. Give birth to young ones
1. Visible ears
2. Fur on their body
3. Give birth to young ones
- Cat
- Snake
- Pigeon
- Fish
Q. Name the locations where we can likely find the nests of these following birds.
- Sparrows
- Pigeons
- Doves (3 marks)
Q. Birds build their nests from , branches or leaves.
- twigs
- shrub
- root
Q. Where do Coppersmith bird make their nest?
- In or around our house
- Hole in a tree trunk
- In old building
- Space between stones
Q. List down the birds found in the cities and the colour of these birds. (2 marks)
Q. In which season do birds usually build their nests?
- Summer
- Spring
- Winter
- Autumn
Q. What are the different features of bats when compared to other animals which fly?
*More than one option may be correct.
*More than one option may be correct.
- They are birds.
- They have webbed forelimb.
- They lay eggs.
- They give birth and feed milk.
Q. Which among the following birds does not make its own nest?
- Parrot
- Crow
- Pigeon
- Cuckoo
Q. Some birds build their nests close to wasp nests to scare away their predators.
- True
- False
Q. Which of the following are used for making nests?
- Saliva
- Leaves
- Grass
- Spiderweb
Q. make world's smallest nests.
- Tailor birds
- Humming birds
- Weaver birds
Q. is the shelter built by birds.
- Nest
- Burrow
- Kennel
- Den
Q. Most of the birds make their nests using ______.
- cloth
- bricks and cement
- plastic
- branches and leaves
Q. Name the locations where we can likely find the nests of these following birds.
- Sparrows
- Pigeons
- Doves
Q. There are two similar-looking eggs in a nest which belong to two different birds. One of them belongs to a crow. To which bird among the following does the other egg belong?
- Sparrow
- Pigeon
- Raven
- Cuckoo
Q. Wings in most of the birds help them in:
- swimming
- running
- flying
- fighting
Q. Which of the following statement is true?
- Claws help in swimming.
- Birds make nests to lay eggs and raise their young ones.
- Beaks help birds fly.
- All birds do not have feathers.
Q. Birds build their nests from , branches or leaves.
- twigs
- shrub
- root