Peculiarities in Birds
Trending Questions
Q. How many legs does an ant have?
- eight
- four
- six
- two
Q. Ducks have webbed feet which help them move through water.
- False
- True
Q. A woodpecker makes hole in the tree's trunk to make a nest.
What type of feet will support the woodpecker?
What type of feet will support the woodpecker?
Q. Vultures have:
- long and pointy beak.
- short and thick beak.
- sharp hooked beak.
- long and slightly bent beak.
Q. Feathers help a bird in:
- keeping it warm
- looking good
- swimming
- catching a prey
Q. Ants have six legs.
- False
- True
Q. Identify the physical features of an eagle that help it to catch prey.
*There may be more than one option correct.
*There may be more than one option correct.
- Wings
- Claws
- Beak
- Eyes
Name the body part and mode of movement shown by the animal:
Q. and feet of birds vary with the place they live and the type of food they eat.
- Feathers
- Wings
- Beaks
Q. Tim watched a documentary on Antarctica in school. In one of the clips some penguins were shown. He got confused on seeing the wings on penguins as he was taught that penguins don't fly.
What does a penguin do with these wings?

- It helps them to swim.
- It helps them to cut the snow.
- It provides them balance while walking.
- It helps them to hold other penguins.
Q. An eagle's claws help it to ___________ .
- run
- catch prey
- fly
- fight
Q. Birds use their beaks to _______ the food.
- chew
- clean
- tear and prick
- cook
Q. Identify the common features of sparrow, crow, and parrot.
*There may be more than one option correct.
*There may be more than one option correct.
- They have feathers on their body.
- They lay eggs.
- They do not make their own nest.
- Not all of them can fly.
Q. _____________ keep a bird's body warm.
- Feathers
- Flippers
- Wings
- Fur
Which of the following is the stronger wall?
Q. Slightly bent beaks of birds help in
- sucking nectar
- picking worms
- drilling into tree
Which part of the jugaad is helping Avatar to move faster than animal cart?
- Cart
- Motorbike
- Wheels
Q. A bird cannot fly if its _______ is/are damaged.
- beak
- arms
- wings
- neck
Q. Ants use mandibles to walk.
- False
- True
Q. Write the uses of mandibles in ants. ( 1 mark)
Q. How does a frog catch its prey?
Q. Identify the situation in which an ant cannot use its mandibles.
- Leading ant has to be followed
- Sand has to be lifted for anthill
- Sugar cubes lying on the floor
- Attack of enemies on anthill
________ of a bird helps in flying.
- Claws
- Wings
- Beak
- Flippers
Q. According to the passage, if one can fly using machines, what is not necessary to possess?
- Machines
- Feet
- Arms
- Wings
Q. Identify the bird that would have probably built this nest.

- Cuckoo
- Dove
- Pigeon
- Sparrow
Q. Penguins have flippers which help them swim.
- True
- False
Q. Which among the following does not help a bird to fly?
- Legs
- Beak
- Shape of body
- Wings
Q. Which of these birds were used as carriers for communication?
- Pigeons
- Crows
- Vultures
- Hens
Q. Ants have like jaws near their mouth.
- handle
- forceps
- biceps
Q. Select the fruits that are available in summers.