Alcohol Industry
Trending Questions
What is fermentation?
Describe the role of micro-organisms in industrial production
Describe the role of certain fungi in industrial production.
State the importance of fungi?
Production of ethanol (C2H5OH) (C_2H_5OH)(C2H5OH) occurs in one of the life processes of :
(a) Bread mould (b) Yeast
(c) Mushroom (d) Penicillium
Mention two useful and two harmful efects of wine.
What is known as fermentation?
Germinating barley seeds are used in the preparation of
Lactic acid
Question 33
Why does bread mould grow profusely on a moist bread slice rather than on a dry bread slice?
Mention two useful and two harmful effects of wine.
- True
- False
Name the process in yeast that converts sugars into alcohol.
Alcoholic beverages which contain a higher percentage of alcohol by volume is made by which of the following processes?
Question 33
Why does bread mould grow profusely on a moist bread slice rather than on a dry bread slice?
Why are yeast cells used to produce wine?

- 1.Pasteurization 2.Germination 3.Kilning 4.Brewing 5.Germination
- 1.Germination 2.Kilning 3.Milling 4.Brewing 5.Pasteurization
- 1.Kilning 2.Germination 3.Milling 4.Brewing 5.Pasteurization
- 1.Pasteurization 2.Kilning 3.Milling 4.Germination 5.Brewing
- Sclerospora
- Saccharomyces
- Agaricus
- Chlorella
Why are yeast cells used to produce wine?
They convert glucose into ethyl alcohol.
They convert maltose into glucose
They convert sucrose into lactic acid.
They convert lactic acid into ethyl alcohol
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- S. ellipsoidens
- S. sake
- S. pireformis
- 10-15%.
- 5-10%.
- 5%.
- 10%.
- Malting
- Mashing
- Fermentation
- Distillation
- Whisky
- Beer
- Wine
- Rum
Choose the correct option based on given statments:
Assertion [A]: Wine is a product of microbial activity.
Reason [R]: Yeast ferments carbon compounds to make alcohol and carbon dioxide.
Both A and R are false.
A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
A and R are true but R is an incorrect explanation of A.
A is true but R is false.