Bee Keeping
Trending Questions
An Italian bee variety. A mellifera has been introduced in India for honey production. Write about its merits over other varieties.
Statement-2: Drones are haploid, fertile males responsible for fertilizing young queen.
Statement-3: Workers are diploid, sterile males responsible for collecting nectar.
- Both statement-1 and statement-3 are true
- Only statement-2 is true
- Both statement-2 and statement-3 are false
- Only statement-1 is true
What are the desirable characters of bee varieties suitable for honey production?
What is swarming ?
Explain the role of workers in a bee colony.
- Glucose, Sucrose
- Fructose, Dextrin
- Maltose, Galactose
- Both (a) and (b)
Glucose is also called cane sugar.
- True
- False
Name a few varieties of bees used for commercial honey production.
How many eggs are laid by a queen bee in a single day?
Plants which provide nectar and pollens to the honey bee are collectively called:
bee fauna
What is the term for honey cultivation?
Name three castes of honey bee family,
How bee colony works ? What values can be seen in the organisation of bee colony ?
- Little bee
- Indian bee
- European bee
- Rock bee
- Sting somewhat less
- Stay in a given beehive for longer periods
- Have high honey collecting capacity
- All of these
Write advantages of bee keeping.
What is a honey flow?
- Wasps
- Mites
- Houseflies
- Black ants
Name the species of honey bee, which is used for commercial production of honey.
- Fishery
- Apiculture
- Cattle farming
- Poultry farming
Honey bee are kept in:-
Question 1
What are the desirable characters of bee varieties suitable for honey production?
Name two products of honey bee, expect honey.
Which is most active member of honey bee colony.
Question 2
What is pasturage and how is it related to honey production?
Why are honeybees so important?
They are excellent pollinators.
They show a high degree of social life.
They have a stinger.
They produce bee wax.
- Foraging pattern
- Quantity of pasturage
- Location of apiary
- Quality of pasturage
- Rearing of bees
- Rearing of animals
- Rearing of birds
- Rearing of insects