Cropping Pattern
Trending Questions
What is multiple cropping? Explain three points.
What Is Mixed Cropping?
Beera wants to practice crop rotation in his field. Suggest a Rabi crop and a Kharif crop which will replenish his field with nitrogen. Which crop replenishes nitrogen and why?
What is the advantage of inter cropping and crop rotation?
Is there any difference between mixed farming and multiple cropping?
Cultivation of two or more crops together in the same field is called ___.
Crop rotation
All of these
Mixed cropping
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of mixed cropping.
Define intercropping.
The practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously in definite rows in the same field is called _________.
mixed cropping
mixed farming
Give one example of mixed cropping.
Why kharif crops are known as summer season crops as they are grown in rainy season??
Define the following with examples.
1. No cost production.
2. Low cost production.
3. High cost production.
Describe the role of blue green algae in fertility of soil .
Why are leguminous crops desirable in crop rotation?
The practice of growing two or more crops on a piece of land in a pre-planned succession is called
Crop rotation
Inter cropping
Mixed cropping
Growing two or more crops at the same time in a field is called:
mixed farming
mixed cropping
- simultaneously
- alternately
- evenly mixed
- randomly
Explain crop rotation, mixed farming and inter cropping. [3 marks]
Give some examples of short-term crops.
Write about three main criteria which should be considered while selecting the crops for rotation?
Mixed cropping involves growing of two crops growing on the same agricultural land. Inter-cropping also involves the growing of different crops simultaneously on a single land in a definite pattern. Therefore Inter-cropping could be called as a type of mixed cropping.
The algae commonly used as fertilizers are
blue-freen algae
none of these
Question 3
What are the advantages of inter-cropping and crop rotation?
Question 24
Give one word for the following
(a) Farming without the use of chemicals as fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides is known as ___.
(b) Growing of wheat and groundnut on the same field is called as ___.
(c) Planting soya bean and maize in alternate rows in the same field is called as ___.
(d) Growing different crops on a piece of land in pre-planned succession is known as___.
(e) Xanthium and Parthenium are commonly known as___.
(f) Causal organism of any disease is called as ___.
Distinguish between mixed cropping and intercropping.
Planting soyabean and maize in alternate rows in the same field is called
Planting of soybean and maize in alternate rows in the same field :
Crop rotation
Inter cropping
Mixed cropping