Digestive Juices
Trending Questions
What is emulsification of fats?
What is the optimal pH of pepsin?
The contraction of gall bladder is due to
Where is the sphincter of Boyden located?
What mechanisms are involved in absorption of digested food and water?
What is the role of Enterokinase?
The digestion of all food components is completed by the ____________ juice.
Identify error in the given statement:
Erepsin changes proteins and peptides into amino acids.
Why is reabsorption described as a selective process?
Where does the protein digestion occur?
What is rennin?
Bile juice contains no digestive enzymes, yet it is important for digestion. Why?
In a school practical, three test tubes, A, B and C were kept in front of a student. “A” has some rice water in it, “B” has egg white in it and “C” has ghee in it. The teacher gave three chemical bottles to the student and asked to pour them into respective test tubes such that those contents can be broken down into simpler forms.
[One bottle per test tube must be used]
- Bottle 1 contains an enzyme that is secreted inside the mouth.
Bottle 2 contains an enzyme that is secreted by the pancreas
Bottle 3 contains an enzyme that is secreted by the stomach.
Can you help in choosing the correct chemicals to digest the substances in the test tubes? [3 Marks]
Give reason for the following
Reabsorption is called as selective reabsorption.
How do you know if your intestines are blocked?
Match the following.
a) Pepsinogen is secreted byI) Liverb) Trypsin is secreted byII) Pancreasc) Bile is produced inIII) Gall bladderd) Bile is stored inIV) Gastric glands
a→IV, b→II, c→I, d→III
a→I, b→III, c→II, d→IV
a→IV, b→III, c→II, d→I
a→III, b→II, c→IV, d→I
- Erepsin
- Maltase
- Water
What side is your pancreas on?
- Mucus
- Pepsinogen
- HCl
- Trypsin
- Glucose + Glucose
- Glucose + Galactose
- Galactose + Galactose
- Galactose + Fructose
- These are produced in stomach
- These act at a pH lower than 7
- these all are proteins
- These all are proteolytic enzymes.
- α1→4 glycosidic linkage
- α1→2β glycosidic linkage
- β1→4 glycosidic linkage
- α1→6 glycosidic linkage
Which of the following secretions is correctly matched with its pH?
Pancreatic juice pH = 8.8
Salivary amylase pH = 6.7
Gastric juices pH = 2.0
Intestinal juice = 8.3
- Gastrin
- Rennin
- Cholecystokinin
- Succus entericus
Sweetest sugar is derived from the breakdown of
Cane sugar
Malt sugar
Milk sugar
Blood sugar
Most digestion and absorption of food takes place in
Large intestine
Small intestine
- Fats
- Proteins
- Fibers
- Carbohydrates
A young infant may be feeding entirely on mother's milk, which is white in colour but the stools, which the infant passes out, is quite yellowish. This yellow colour is due to?
pancreatic juice poured into duodenum
intestinal juice
bile pigments passed through bile juice
undigested milk protein casein
Escherichia coli is present in intestine of human where they help in digestion of food.