Trending Questions
Rust is a disease of wheat crop caused by fungus.
Rust and smut are the diseases of:
Identify the organism in the picture. It is an infectious protozoan.
Name one common disease of wheat plant.
Q. Write the name of any one disease in crops caused by fungi.
Q. Peptic ulcer is a type of _____ disease.
- genetic
- protozoan
- viral
- bacterial
Infection of Ascaris usually occurs by:
Mosquito bite
Tsetse fly
Eating imperfectly cooked pork
Drinking water containing eggs of Ascaris
Q. Which of the following is a fungal disease in human?
- Proriasis
- Athletes food disease
- Foot and mouth disease
- Leukoderma
Skin infections are mostly caused by
Q. Ringworm infection in humans is caused by a
- Virus
- Bacteria
- Fungi
- Nematode
Q. Name some fungal diseases of plants.
Where does white rust occur?
Q. The pathogen Microsporum responsible for ringworm diease in humans belongs to the same kingdom of organisms as that of :
- Taenia - a tapeworm
- Ascaris - a roundworm
- Rhizopus - a mould
- Wuchereria - a filarial worm
Q. Give two examples each of the disease caused by fungus, protozoa, bacteria?
Q. Name the causative organisms for the following diseases.
(i) Elephantiasis
(ii) Ringworm
(iii) Amoebiasis
(i) Elephantiasis
(ii) Ringworm
(iii) Amoebiasis
Q. Causative agent of ringworm s:
- Corynebacterium
- Microsporum
- Clostridium
- Salmonella
Q. Athlete's foot is also called
- Tinea pedis
- Tinea capitis
- Rickettsia
- Candida albicans
Q. What are rust and smut fungi?
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Q. Ringworm infection is caused by
- Wuchereria
- Trichophyton
- Ascaris
- Aedes
Q. Farmers consider microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and virus a menace on their fields and gardens because they cause disease to their crops. Name any one of the bacterial disease, viral disease and fungal disease.
Q. Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungal infection?
- Ringworm
- Cancer
- Filaria
- Typhoid
Q. Ringworms are caused by
(I) Wuchereria
(II) Microsporum
(III) Haemophilus
(IV) Epidermophyton
- III and IV
- II and IV
- II and III
- I and II
- I and IV
Q. Ringworm in humans caused by
- Fungi
- Nematodes
- Viruses
- Bacteria
Q. Fill in the blanks :
Rust and smuts are ______ diseases.
Rust and smuts are ______ diseases.
Q. Skin infections are developed because of _________
- Bacteria
- Virus
- None of these
- Fungi
Q. Fill in the blanks :
Rust of wheat is caused by a ________.
Rust of wheat is caused by a ________.
Q. Ringworm in humans is caused by
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Nematodes
- Fungi
Name three diseases caused by fungi as infectious agents.
Q. Which of the following microorganisms causes ringworm?
- Protozoa
- Bacteria
- Fungi
- Virus
Q. Name the disease which is caused by fungus.
- Parkinsons
- Cancer
- Typhoid
- Ergot