Boyle's Law
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what will be the minimum pressure required to compress 500dm3 of air at 1 bar to 200dm3 temperature remaining constant.
Explain boyle's Law on the basis of the kinetic theory of matter.
An LPG cylinder contains 15 kg butane at 27℃ and 10 atm pressure. It is leaking. If its pressure decreases to 8 atm after one day, then the quantity of gas leaked is:
2 kg
1 kg
4 kg
3 kg
At the vapour pressure of pure liquid A is and that of pure liquid B is . If a mixture solution of A and B boils at and atm pressure, the amount of A (mole percent) in the mixture is.
Which of the following represents Volume - Pressure graph for Ideal gas?
None of these
'For an ideal gas, the product of pressure and volume is always constant irrespective of the temperature.' State true or false.
According to Charles' law, volume of a gas increases or decreases by _______ of its original volume at 00C for each degree centigrade rise or fall in temperature.
A vessel of capacity 600cm3 contains Hydrogen gas at a pressure of 304 cm of Hg. What will be the pressure of Hydrogen gas, when the vessel is connected to another vessel of the volume of 300cm3 capacity.
- True
- False
561dm3 fo a gas at S.T.P. is filled in a 748dm3 container. If temperature is constant, calculate th epercentage change in pressure required.
Air is dense at sea level. This is an application of Boyle’s law.
Boyle’s law
Charle’s law
A gas of volume 2000ml is kept in a vessel at a pressure of 103 pascals at a temperature of 27∘ C. If the pressure is increased to 105 pascals at the same temperature, the volume of the gas becomes
1000 ml
20 ml
2 ml
200 ml
Correct the follwoing statements.
(a) Volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure at constant temperature.
(b) Volume of a fixed mass of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature, pressure remaining constant.
(c) 0∘C is equal to zero Kelvin.
(d) standard temperature is 25∘C
(e) Boiling point of water is 273 K.
- temperature
- pressure
- volume
- 0.64
The molecular theory states that the pressure exerted by a gas in a closed vessel results from the gas molecules stiking against the walls of the vessel. How will the pressure change it:
(a) the temperature is doubled keeping the volume constant?
(b) the volume is made half of its original value keeping the temperature constant?
2 litres of a gas is enclosed in a vessel at a pressure of 760 mm Hg. If tempreature remains constant, calculate pressure when volume changes to 4 dm3
List the main postulates of the kinetic molecular theory of matter.
At a constant temperature a gas is initially at 2 atm pressure. To compress it to(18)th of its initial volume, pressure to be applied is
16 atm
8 atm
4 atm
12 atm
If pressure becomes double at the same absolute temperature on 2 L of CO2 , then what will be the final volume of CO2?
- 4 L
- 25 L
- 1 L
- 2 L
A gas is to be filled from a tank of capacity 10, 000 litres into cylinders each having capacity of 10 litres. The condition of the gas in the tank is as follwos:
(a) Pressure inside the tank is 800 mm of Hg.
(b) temperature inside the tank is - 3∘C.
When the cylinder is filled, the pressure gauge reads 400 mm of Hg and the temperature is 270 K. Find the number of cylinders required to fill the gas.
A steel of internal volume 20 litres is filled with hydrogen at 29 atmospheric pressure. If hydrogen is used to fill a balloon at 1.25 atmospheric pressure at the same temperatue, what volume will the gas occupy?
800cm3 of gas is collected at 650 mm pressure. At what pressure would the volume of the gas reduce by 40% of its original volume, temperature remaining constant?
The temperature of a fixed mass of gas increase from 100k to 400k. What will happen to its volume?
It will decrease to a quarter of its original volume
It will double
It will stay the same
It will increase by factor of four
A cylinder of 200 litres capicity contains a gas at 100 atmospheric pressure. How many flasks of 200cm3 capacity can be filled from it at 1 atmosphere pressure, temperature remaining constant?
2500cm3 of hydrogen is taken at S.T.P. The pressure of this gas is further increased by two and a half times (temperature remaining constant). What volume will hydrogen occupy now?
Pressure remaining constant, the density of a gas ______on increasing the temperature.
- increases
- decreases
- remains constant
- fluctuates