Tyndall Effect
Trending Questions
Example of solution of gas in liquid
Which of the following will show tyndall effect
a. Salt solution
b. Milk
c. Copper sulphate solution
d. Starch solution
In which state of matter does fire exists?
One of the following does not show Tyndall effect. This one is:
(a) soap solution (b) ink (c) sugar solution (d) starch solution
What is a solution? What are the properties of a solution?
Draw a diagram to show Tyndall effect.
What is Tyndall effect? Does true solution exhibit Tyndall effect.
Explain what happens when a beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution.
What do you observe when sunlight passes through a dense forest
Is ink a colloid or a solution?
Which of the two will scatter light : soap solution or sugar solution ? Why ?
Which one of the following is most likely to exhibit Tyndall effect?
(a) sugar and water mixture (b) potash alum and water mixture
(c) chalk powder and water mixture (d) potassium permanganate and water mixture
How will you test whether a given solution is a colloidal solution?
What is a milky glass?
Which of the following will scatter light and why?
a. Sugar solution b. Soap solution
- can
- cannot
- visible
- invisible
Give some examples of Tyndall effect observed in your surroundings?
Which of the following solutions show phenomenon of scattering of light (Tyndall effect)?
I and III
I and II
Three mixtures A, B and C are obtained by stirring three different solids in water taken in separate beakers. When mixture A is allowed to stand for some time, then its particles settle at the bottom of the beaker. When a Beam of light is passed through mixture A in a dark room, the path of light becomes visible when observed from the side of the beaker. When mixture B is allowed to stand for a considerable time, even then its particles do not settle down. Mixture B, however, scatters the beam of light just like mixture A. The particles of mixture C do not settle down on keeping and it also does not scatter a beam of light passing through it
(a) What are the mixtures like A known as ?
(b) What are the mixtures like B known as ?
(c) What are the mixtures like C known as ?
(d) Name the phenomenon exhibited by A and B which occurs on passing a beam of light through them
(e) Name one mixture each which is like (i) A (ii) B, and (iii) C.
Give some examples of Tyndall effect observed in your surroundings?
Mixture of sulphur and carbon disulphide is
a. homogeneous and does not show Tyndall effect
b. Heterogeneous and show Tyndall effect
Your answer to same question in the question bank option is a but explanation is of d
- Tyndall effect
- Refraction
- Diffusion
- Dispersion
A mixture of sulphur and carbon disulphide is
(a) heterogeneous and shows Tyndall effect
(b) homogeneous and shows Tyndall effect
(c) heterogeneous and does not show Tyndall effect
(d) homogeneous and does not show Tyndall effect
Starch solution exhibits Tyndall effect.