Introduction to Sound Waves
Trending Questions
What is the difference between a compression and a rarefaction in a sound wave? Illustrate your answer with a sketch.
What is sound? How is it produced?
Speed of sound is maximum in which medium?
If the intensity of sound is doubled, by how many decibels does the sound level increase?
What is a mechanical wave
Explain meaning of the terms compression and rarefaction in relation to a longitudnal wave.
On what factor does the speed of sound in a medium depend?
Give six examples of vibratory motion.
Sound travels in air :
(a) if particles of medium travel from one place to another
(b) if there is no moisture in the atmosphere
(c) if disturbance moves
(d) if both, particles as well as disturbance move from one place to another
What is a vacuum? Explain why sound cannot travel through a vacuum.
Radar waves are sent towards a moving airplane and the reflected waves are received. When the airplane is moving towards the radar, the wavelength of the wave
remains the same
sometimes increases and sometimes decreases
What should an object do to produce sound ?
What causes sound?
State three characteristics of the medium required for propagation of sound?
Does any part of our body vibrate when we speak? Name the part.
Which of the following cannot transmit sound?
Water, Vacuum, Aluminium, Oxygen gas
Describe a simple experiment which demonstrates that the sound produced by a tuning fork is due to vibrations of its arms.
There is no atmosphere on the moon. Can you hear each other on the moon's surface?
Explain why a ringing bell suspended in a vacuum chamber cannot be heard outside.
What are the types of waves?
A musical instrument is producing a continuous note. This note cannot be heard by a person having a normal hearing range. This note must then be passing through :
(a) water
(b) wax
(c) vacuum
(d) empty vessel
Give reason for the following:
In most of the cases, we cannot see the vibrations of a sound producing object with our eyes.
Describe in brief, with the aid of a labelled diagram, an experiment to demonstrate that a material medium is necessary for the propagation of sound.
Name the type of waves produced when a tuning fork is struck in the air.
The sound waves travel fastest :
(a) in solids
(b) in liquids
(c) in gases
(d) in vacuum
Which of the following vibrates when a musical note is produced by the cymbals in an orchestra ?
(a) stretched strings
(b) stretched membranes
(c) metal plates
(d) air columns
- have the same speed
- travel through vacuum
- obey the laws of reflection
- are forms of energy