Moon's Revolution around Earth
Trending Questions
How do day and night occur on the earth?
Gravitational force acts on all objects in proportion to their masses. Why then does a heavy object not fall faster than a light object?
Calculate the force of gravitation between the earth and the sun, given that the mass of the earth = 6×1024kg and of the sun = 2×1030kg. The average distance between the two is 1.5×1011m.
Which force is responsible for the moon revolving round the earth ?
Suppose the gravity of the earth suddenly becomes zero, then in which direction will the moon begin to move if no other celestial body affects it?
- 20.2 days.
- 25.1 days.
- 27.3 days.
- 33.5 days.
Calculate the gravitational force between 2 stars having mass 1025 kg and 5×1030 kg respectively. Distance between them is 2×1010m.
Earth is considered to have its mass concentrated at its point centre then why does accn due to gravity decrease while we go deeper inside the earth?
- False
- True
- 1800 minutes
- 3.8 minutes
- 2600 minutes
- Never be heard
The atmosphere is held to the earth by
(a) gravity
(b) wind
(c) clouds
(d) earth’s magnetic field
A man covers distance in one minute on the surface of the earth. What is the distance he will cover on the surface of the moon in one minute?
- clouds
- wind
- gravity
- magnetic field
Does moon also revolves in elliptical orbit
- Earthquakes
- Tides
- Volcanoes
The separation between the masses is tripled. How is the magnitude of gravitational force between them affected? How?
When Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin landed on moon, they could see each other but could not listen each other without a radio. This is because
their ear drums were not working on moon.
light and radio waves can travel through vacuum but not the sound wave.
they were compelled to use radios to record their conversation.
there was no material medium to transport sound
- 20.2 days.
- 25.1 days.
- 27.3 days.
- 33.5 days.
How do we use gravitational energy in daily life?
- False
- True
Sams father and mother are astronauts. Last month they returned from a tour to the moon. Sams father told him that they had an air-filled helmet and it also had a microphone, which they used for talking to each other. But his mother was not able to listen to him when they opened their helmets. (Assume they were wearing oxygen masks when they opened their helmets). What is the reason?
- 1800 minutes
- Never be heard
- 3.8 minutes
- 2600 minutes
- False
- True
इस खण्ड में 1 कथन-कारण प्रकार का प्रश्न है, जिसमें 4 विकल्प (a), (b), (c) तथा (d) दिये गये हैं, जिनमें से केवल एक सही है।
A : The line joining the planet to the sun sweeps out equal area in equal intervals of time.
A : ग्रह से सूर्य को जोड़ने वाली रेखा समान समयान्तराल में समान क्षेत्रफल घेरती है।
R : The gravitational force between two bodies increases with increase in mass of either of the body.
R : दो पिण्डों के मध्य गुरुत्वाकर्षण बल, किसी भी पिण्ड के द्रव्यमान में वृद्धि करने पर बढ़ता है।
- Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(A) तथा (R) दोनों सही हैं तथा (R), (A) का सही स्पष्टीकरण है - Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(A) तथा (R) दोनों सही हैं लेकिन (R), (A) का सही स्पष्टीकरण नहीं है - (A) is true but (R) is false
(A) सही है लेकिन (R) गलत है - (A) is false but (R) is true
(A) गलत है लेकिन (R) सही है
- multiple refractions
- multiple reflections
- multiple diffractions
- multiple polarization
- False
- True
- increase
- decrease
- remains same