Trending Questions
- 18 kWhr
- 21 kWhr
- 24 kWhr
- 15 kWhr
The SI unit of power is
Joule per second
The power of a motor is 40kW.At what speed can the motor raise a load of 20, 000 N?
How many watts equal one horse power ?
A lamp consumes 1000 J of electrical energy in 10 s. What is its power?
what is the formula for it?
Is power scalar or vector?
An electric bulb of 40watt is used 50 days at 5 hrs perday find the unit of energy consumed by bulband cost of using electricity at the rate of 10 rupees per unit
Five electric fans of 120 watts each are used for 4 hours. Calculate the electrical energy consumed in kilowatt hours.
- 22.5 kW
- 45 kW
- 60 kW
- 90 kW
Define the term 'watt'.
A horse exerts a pull on a cart of 300 N so that the house-cart system moves with a uniform speed 18 km/h on a level road. Calculate the power developed by the horse in watt and also find its equivalent in horsepower.
6.7 into 10 power Minus 11into six into 10 power 24 KG into 7.4 into 10 power 22 KG by 3.84 into 10 power 8 m whole square
- 40 W
- 60 W
- 50 W
- 70 W
An electric heater uses 600 kJ of electrical energy in 5 minutes. Calculate its power rating.
What is the power of a pump which takes 10 seconds to lift 100 kg of water to a water tank situated at a height of 20 m? Take g=10 ms−2
5 KW
4 KW
3 KW
2 KW
One unit of electric energy is equal to
One kilowatt-hour
One watt-hour
None of the above
watt-second is the unit of power.
- True
- False
(a) What is the meaning of the symbol kWh ? What quantity does it represent ?
(b) How much electric energy in kWh is consumed by an electrical appliance of 1000 watts when it is switched on for 60 minutes ?
How much energy does a 100 W electric bulb transfer in 1 minute ?
(a) 100 J
(b) 600 J
(c) 3600 J
(d) 6000 J
A man whose mass is 50 kg climbs up 30 steps of the stairs in 30 seconds. If each step is 20 cm high, calculate the power used in climbing the stairs.
Which one of the following is not the unit of energy ?
(a) joule
(b) newton-metre
(c) kilowatt
(d) kilowatt-hour
Calculate the work done A car of weight climbs up a hill at speed. Gaining a height of in .
- 500 Watts
- 100 Watts
- 50 Watts
- 200 Watts
Time taken for 60W electric bulb to consume 3000 J energy is 50 seconds