Vernier Caliper
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The main scale of a vernier callipers is calibrated in mm and 19 divisions of main scale are equal in length to 20 divisions of vernier scale. In measuring the diameter of a cylinder by this instrument, the main scale reads 35 divisions and 4th division of vernier scale coincides with a main scale division. Find : (i) least count cand (ii) radius of cylinder.
In a vernier callipers, there are 10 divisions on the vernier scale and 1 cm on the main scale is divided in 10 parts. While measuring a length, the zero of the vernier lies just ahead of 1.8 cm mark and 4th division of vernier coincides with a main scale division.
(a) Find the length.
(b) If zero error of vernier callipers is - 0.02 cm, what is the correct length ?
A vernier has 10 divisions and they are equal to 9 divisions of the main scale in length. If the main scale is calibrated in mm, what is its least count?
What is meant by zero error of a vernier callipers ? How is it determined ? Draw neat diagrams to explain it. How is it taken in account to get the correct measurement ?
A vernier callipers has its main scale graduated in mm and 10 divisions on its vernier scale are equal in length to 9 mm. When the two jaws are in contact, the zero of vernier scale is ahead of zero of main scale and 3rd division of vernier scale coincides with a main scale division. Find : (i) the least count and (ii) the zero error of the vernier callipers.
Define the term 'Vernier constant'.
While measuring the length of a rod with a vernier callipers, Fig. 1.14 below shows the position of its scales. What is the length of the rod ?
What is the least count of the traveling microscope?
- 1.42 mm
- 1.2 mm
- 1.6 mm
- 1.38 mm
Draw a neat labelled diagram of a vernier callipers. Name its main parts and state their functions.
A microsocpe is provided with a main scale graduated with 20 divisions in 1 cm and a vernier scale with 50 divisions of main scale. Find the least count of the microscope.
When is a vernier callipers said to be free from zero error ?
A vernier caliper is used for measuring lengths to an accuracy of:
State three uses of a vernier callipers.
What is the least count of a meter rule?
Name the part of the vernier callipers which is used to measure the following :
(a) external diameter of a tube,
(b) internal diameter of a mug,
(c) depth of a small bottle,
(d) thickness of a pencil.
- Vernier scale
- Main scale
- Inside jaws
- Strip
Name the two scales of a vernier callipers and explain, how is it used to measure a length correct up to 0.01 cm.
Convert Minute to milliseconds
- 0.00133 cm
- 0.133 cm
- 1.33 cm
- 0.0133 cm
- 36.063
Describe in steps, how would you use a vernier callipers to measure the length of a small rod ?
Vernier caliper is used to measure
King's feet
Hand's span
None of these
Define least count of a vernier callipers. How do you determine it ?
a scale is calibrated into divisions of 0.5mm each . If 20divisions of this scale divided into 25 equal parts of a vernier , calculate the least count .
A microscope has its main scale with 20 divisions in 1 cm and vernier scale with 25 divisions, the length of which is equal to the length of 24 divisions of main scale. The least count of microscope is :
(a) 0.002 cm (b) 0.001 cm
(c) 0.02 cm (d) 0.01 cm
- 3.09 cm
- 3.14 cm
- 3.04 cm
- 3.03 cm
When the barometer tube is tilted, the vertical height of mercury in it does not change.
- True
- False
How is the barometric height of a simple barometer affected if its tube is slightly tilted from vertical?
- 3.21