Colonialism and Land Use
Trending Questions
Discuss how the changes in forest management in the colonial period affected the following groups of people:
Shifting cultivators
Nomadic and pastoralist communities
Firms trading in timber/forest produce
Plantation owners
Kings/British officials engaged in shikar
Q. How did the introduction of the railways lead to deforestation in colonial India?
- Forest patches were cleared to build railway lines.
- Wood was used as sleepers to hold railway tracks together.
- Wood was used to make furniture.
- Wood was used as fuel to run locomotives.
Q. Why did British exploit forest give any three reasons
Q. Why was the views of forest department and villages different with respect to the definition of a good forest. Deforestation of India during colonial period was largely due to expansion of cultivation Railway and plantation. discuss.
Q. why did the British govt. give contracts to individuals to supply wood?