Volume of a Cuboid
Trending Questions
Q. Volume of a marble is 3 cubic cm. What would be the level of water if three-fifth marbles are removed?

- 15 ml
- 17 ml
- 21 ml
- 24 ml
Q. The given solids are made up of small cubes of side 1 cm. Which of these solids are formed of more number of small cubes?

Q. A petrol storage tank has a base area of 800 sq. cm. The price of petrol is Rs. 99 per litre. What could be the level of petrol in the tank if a purchase of Rs. 990 was done?
- 5.5 cm
- 10.5 cm
- 12.5 cm
- 14.5 cm
Q. A big cube is made of few small unit cubes. If the edge along the height of the big cube is shared by 4 unit cubes, what is the volume of the big cube?
Q. Find the volume of the cuboid shown below.

- 462 cubic ft
- 472 cubic ft
- 452 cubic ft
- 464 cubic ft
Q. A big cubical box is filled with small cube boxes of 1 cubic unit each.

The volume occupied by all the small cube boxes is cubic units.

The volume occupied by all the small cube boxes is
- 6
- 8
- 10
- 12
The dimensions of a brick is 30 cm × 10 cm × 5 cm. The volume of 10 such bricks will be ___ cm3.
What is the volume of the above cuboid?

What is the volume of the above cuboid?
- 480 cubic units
- 360 cubic units
- 600 cubic units
- None of the above
Q. Which shape has larger volume, if the dimension of each small cube is 1×1×1?
Q. Juice packs consumed by Mr. Woody and Mr. Noody are shown below.

Who consumed less juice?
Who consumed less juice?
- Mr. Woody
- Mr. Noody
- Both measure equal volume
- Can't be found
Q. Calculate the number of different-sized rectangular solids with a volume of 32 cubic units are there such that each dimension has an integer value.
- 6
- 4
- 5
- 10
Q. Help Tobby in choosing the correct formula for the volume of a cuboid.
- Length x Width x Width
- Length x Width x Length
- Height x Width x Width
- Length x Width x Height
Q. Mr. Nobody has a box in the shape of a cuboid which has length of 1 ft, width of 1 ft, and height of 2 ft. Calculate the volume of the box.
- 3 cubic ft
- 4 cubic ft
- 2 cubic ft
- 5 cubic ft
Q. Professor Burger built a cuboidial tank. How much water can he fill in this tank?

- 160 cubic m
- 250 cubic m
- 150 cubic m
- 140 cubic m
Q. Professor Burger made a cuboidal container which has the dimensions 3 m, 4 m, 5 m. What is the volume of the container?
- 20 cubic meter
- 40 cubic meter
- 60 cubic meter
- 80 cubic meter
Q. Volume of a rectangular prism equals length×width×height.
- True
- False
Find the volume of a cuboid whose base area is 10 square metres and the height is 5 metre.
2 metres
50 square metres
15 cubic metres
50 cubic metres
Q. What is the volume of a cube (in cu cm) if the area of its base is 64 sq cm?
- 128
- 256
- 512
- 768
Q. A covered wooden box has the inner measures as 115 cm, 75 cm and 35 cm and the thickness of wood is 2.5 cm. The volume of the wood is :
- 81000 cu. cm
- 81775 cu. cm
- 82125 cu. cm
- None of these
How many dimensions a solid has?
Q. If 4 families each use 4 buckets of 16 m3 water daily from a 4096 m3 tank, then the water will last for .
- 16 days
- 21 days
- 14 days
Q. The volume of the given cuboid is cubic cm.

Q. The volume of river of width 10 m and depth 6m flowing at a speed of 2 km per hr in 1 min is .
- 4000 m3
- 2000 m3
- 8000 m3
- 6000 m3
Q. Rocky the brick maker made a brick with the given dimensions. Calculate its volume.

- 600 cubic cm
- 350 cubic cm
- 1, 400 cubic cm
- 700 cubic cm
Q. How many bricks of 48 cubic units can be stored in a room of dimensions 12 x 4 x 10?
- 15
- 12
- 10
- 18
Q. A closed metal box measures 30cm×20cm×10cm. Thickness of the metal is 1 cm. The volume of the box is
- 1041 cm3
- 6000 cm3
- 4536 cm3
- 1968 cm3
Q. Cuboids are the generalization of .
- Square
- Rectangle
- Triangle
Q. A cube of edge 3 cm of iron weighs 12 g. What is the weight of a similar cube of iron whose edge is 12 cm?
- 768 g
- 678 g
- 964 g
- 864 g
Q. The cuboids measured by Tobby and Bobby are shown below.
Who will measure more volume?
- Tobby
- Bobby
- Both will measure equal volume
- Can't be determined