Sense of Taste
Trending Questions
What are the tiny bumps present on our tongue called?
Q. Following food item tastes _______.

- sweet
- sour
- bitter
- umami
Q. Taste buds are present on the .
- tongue
- teeth
- lips
Q. Which of the following helps to convert the food into bolus?
- Teeth
- Saliva
- Tongue
- Stomach
Q. Select the sense organ which helps us detect the smell from the surrounding.
Q. Identify the different types of tastes associated with the given food items.

- Umami
- Sour
- Bitter
- Sweet
Q. Teeth help us in chewing food.
- False
- True
Q. Which part of the tongue will be used to sense the taste while eating kulfi?
- Back region
- Front region
- Side region
- Middle region
Q. Lemon: Sour; Mushrooms: ?
- Bitter
- Salty
- Umami
- Sweet
Q. __________ is the process by which the food in the mouth forms a bolus.
- Chewing
- Excreation
- Digestion
- Ingestion
Q. _____ is the sense organ for touch.
- Skin
- Teeth
- Ears
- Nose
Q. Humans can breathe through their nose and .
- skin
- mouth
- eyes
Q. Select the sense organ which helps us detect the smell from the surrounding.
Q. Saliva helps you food and kills in the mouth.
- taste
- crush
- germs
- dirt
Q. Tamarind tastes:
- Sweet
- Sour
- Salty
- Bitter
Q. On which part of the tongue, most of the taste get detected?
- Front
- Left
- Right
- Back
Q. Which sense organ helps us to detect the smell from the surroundings?
- Eyes
- Ears
- Nose
- Skin
Q. Salty taste is perceived by the taste buds located on _______.
- Tip of the tongue
- Sides of the tongue
- Back side of the tongue
- Both A and B
Q. Taste buds are mainly located in ______ surface of the tongue.
- Upper
- Lower
- Both A and B
- Margins
Q. Which of the following tastes sour?
Q. Teeth help us in chewing food.
- True
- False
Q. The tongue helps in mixing the food with saliva.
- True
- False
Q. Part of tongue that gives feeling of sweetness is
- Tip
- Lateral edges
- Middle part
- Posterior part
Q. Tomato is a juicy fruit which tastes sweet and sour.
- True
- False
Q. Write the type of teeth used for eating the given food items.

Q. How do we perceive taste?
Q. Teeth help us in chewing food.
- False
- True
Q. Lateral sides of tongue carries taste buds for _______.
- Sweet
- Sour
- Salty
- Bitter
Q. Which of the following act as a receptor on the tongue to taste?
- Taste buds
- Salivary gland
- Sensation
- None of the above
Q. Which of the following is not a type of taste?
- Bitter
- Umami
- Sour
- None of the above