Ball and Socket Joint
Trending Questions
Question 4.1
Answer the following:
What is a ball and socket joint?
Q. Which joint allows movement in all directions?
- Hinge joint
- Pivot joint
- Gliding joint
- Ball and socket joint
Q. What are fixed joints?
The ................ joint is seen in fingers and toes.
Hinge joint
- Ball and socket joint
- Immovable joint
- Gliding joint
Q. Which joints allow movement in all directions? [4 marks]
Name the joint which permits movement in all directions
Q. Knee joints are
- hinge joints
- ball and socket joints
- pivotal joints
- fixed joints
Q. Elbow and Knee joints are examples of:
- Hinge joint
- Ball & Socket joint
- Gliding joint
- Immovable joint
Q. Identify the type of joint shown in the given image below.

- Hinge joint
- Immovable joint
- Ball and socket joint
- None of the above
Q. Hinge joint allow movement of bones in:
- Four directions
- Three Directions
- Two Directions
- One Directions
Explain different types of joints in detail.
Q. The joint present in a door is similar to:
- Pivot joint
- Sutural joint
- Hinge joint
- Ball & Socket joint
Q. Draw a diagram of the Types of joints. [Textbook Question 7a pg no. 64]
Q. Match the following columns.
JointsLocationA.Hinge 1SkullB.Fixed2WristC.Saddle3Elbow
JointsLocationA.Hinge 1SkullB.Fixed2WristC.Saddle3Elbow
A- 3; B- 2; C- 1
A- 2; B- 3; C- 1
A- 3; B- 1; C- 2
A- 2; B- 1; C- 3
Q. Identify the bones located between the abdomen and the legs.
- Pelvic bones
- Shoulder bones
- Finger bones
- Chest bones
Q. Ball & Socket joint allow movement upto
- 45°
- 90°
- 180°
- 360°
Q. Identify the joint from the following statements.
i. It allows the movement in all directions.
ii. It is found in the shoulders.
i. It allows the movement in all directions.
ii. It is found in the shoulders.
Ball and socket
Q. Identify the one which has a different type of joint than others
- Knee
- Elbow
- Finger
- Shoulder
Q. What is a ball and socket joint? How it is different from hinge joint? (2 mark)
Q. What happens during shoulder dislocation?
- Movement of a bone off the socket joint
- Movement of a bone of the fixed joint
- Movement of a bone off the hinge joint
- Movement of a bone off the pivotal joint
Explain different types of joints in detail.
Which of the following joints allows back and forth movement?
- Pivotal joint
- Hinge Joint
- Ball and Socket Joint
- Fixed joint
Q. Identify the type of joint shown in the given image below.

- Hinge joint
- Immovable joint
- Ball and socket joint
- None of the above
Q. Which of the following acts as a shock absorber to cushion the tibia and the femur where they came together?
- Tendon
- Cartilage
- Ligament
- Disc
Q. Which of the following joints work as in the figure given below?

- Ankle and knee joints
- Hip and shoulder joints.
- Shoulder and knee joints.
- Ankle and wrist joints.
The arm and limb bones can perform rotational movement due to the presence of ____________ joint.
- hinge
- pivot
- ball and socket
- fixed
Q. What happens during shoulder dislocation?
- Movement of a bone off the socket joint
- Movement of a bone off the pivotal joint
- Movement of a bone off the hinge joint
- Movement of a bone of the fixed joint
Q. Which of the following type of movement is supported by joints?
- Bending
- Partial rotation
- Complete rotation
- All of the above
Q. Identify the joint from the following statements.
i. It allows the movement in all directions.
ii. It is found in the shoulders.
i. It allows the movement in all directions.
ii. It is found in the shoulders.
Ball and socket
Q. Match the following.
i.Allows movement in all directionsABonesii.Hard structures forming skeletonBPivotal jointiii.Neck joins the headCBall and socket joint
i.Allows movement in all directionsABonesii.Hard structures forming skeletonBPivotal jointiii.Neck joins the headCBall and socket joint