Trending Questions
What are freely movable joints? What are the types? Explain. [5 MARKS]
Draw a labeled diagram of a synovial joint. Give examples for a hinge joint.
- tendons
- ligaments
- nerves
- muscles
- Reproduction
- Respiration
- Movement
- Growth
The framework of bones in our body is
The framework of bones in our body is called:
- Girdle
- Skeleton
- Joints
Which of the following is an example of a hinge joint?
Hip joint
Shoulder joint
Which type of joint is present in the neck?
Pivot joint
None of these
Ball and socket joint
Hinge joint
The cartilages are harder than bones.
- True
- False
- Hinge joint
- Ball & Socket joint
- Sutures
- Pivot joint
Explain the types of freely movable joints
- Between bones
- Amid muscle & bone
- Nose
- Pelvic
- Ball and socket
- Hinge
- Fixed
Identify the type of joint present in knee.
A joint found in ankle, elbow and Knee
Ball and socket joint
Hinge joint
Pivotal joint
Fixed joint
How many bones does a human skeleton have
In which type of joint is synovial fluid present?
Which characteristic of a living organism helps to change its location?
The axial skeleton of the human body is made up of _________ bones.
Column IColumn IIA.Hollow Bones 1.EarthwormsB.Bristles2.FishesC.Fins 3.Birds
- A-3; B-1; C-2
- A-2; B-1; C-3
- A-1; B-3; C-2
- A-2; B-3; C-1
- Ball and socket joint
- Hinge joint
- Fixed joint
- Pivot joint
Explain the term backbone.
If condyle is the bump existing between the bone joints, then what is occipital condyle?
The bump existing at the lumbar end joining vertebrae
The bump present in back of neck joining the skull
The swelling at the hip side
None of the choices

- P - Gliding joint; Q - Pivot joint
- P - Hinge joint; Q - Ball and socket joint
- P - Pivot joint; Q - Hinge joint
- P - Hinge joint; Q - Gliding joint
- fixed joints
- ball and socket joints
- hinge joints
- pivot joints
Reason (R): Shoulders have ball and socket joint.
- Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) explains (A).
- Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) does not explain (A).
- (A) is true and (R) is false.
- Both (A) are (R) are false.
Joints are classified on the basis of ___.
number of bones
number of cartilages
weight of the bones
degree of movement