Trending Questions
Describe in brief the movement of snakes, cockroaches, snails, earthworms, and fish. [5 MARKS]
Question 3
Which of the following organisms do not have both muscles and skeleton for movement?
(a) Dog
(b) Snail
(c) Earthworm
(d) Human being
The group of organisms which do not possess backbone.
Why is it that many animals walk while a snake slither or crawl and a fish swim?
Why do we say that the cockroaches have exoskeleton?
Because the body is brown
Because the skeleton has scales
Because the skeleton is flexible
Because the skeleton is on the outside
- its outer muscle
- its outer skeleton
- its outer brain
- a rock
Name two shell fish.
- ring
- shell
- bristles
- Shell
- Muscular foot
- Slime
- None of these
- hard shell
- flexible bone
- dry skin
- muscular foot
- ring
- shell
- bristles
A snail moves with the help of
- Fins
- Legs
- Muscles
\(\begin{array} {|l|l|}
\mbox{Column A}&\mbox{Column B}\\\hline
(A)\mbox{ Snail}&(1)\mbox{ No bones}\\\hline
(B)\mbox{ Cockroach}&(2)\mbox{ Very slow movement }\\\hline
(C)\mbox{ Earthworm}&(3)\mbox{ Flexible backbone}\\\hline
(D)\mbox{ Snake}&(4)\mbox{ Can climb, walk and fly }\\\hline
- Shell
- Muscular foot
- Slime
- None of these
- Ant
- Snail
- Cockroach
- Bat
- Bat
- Cockroach
- Ant
- Snail
Why do frogs lay eggs in water?
Snail moves with the help of a ______ .
- None of these
- Both (a) and (b)
- Flat
- Curved
- hard shell
- flexible bone
- dry skin
- muscular foot
The rounded structure on the back of a snail is
Question 5
Snail moves with the help of its
(a) shell
(b) bone
(c) muscular foot
(d) whole body