Waste Generation
Trending Questions
Question 5 (b)
Give an example in which packaging could have been reduced?
Industrial wastes, oils and fats should not be thrown into the drains because they can:
Make foul smell
Kill the useful microbes
Harden and block the pipes
Make unhygienic condition
Question 21
What happens when
(a) cooking medium is made to flow down a drain?
(b) insecticides, motor oil and paints are poured down the drain?
(c) tea leaves, cotton swabs and soft old toys are thrown into the drain?
Which of the following are the non-useful components of garbage for composting?
- Plastic
- Glass
- Paper
- Aluminium Foil
What will happen to the garbage if it is not disposed off?
Both A & C
It will start smelling bad and become home to micro-organisms.
It will start causing diseases.
It will stay in the same condition.
Question 5 (c)
Write a story on how packaging increases the amount of garbage.
Unhygienic and unsanitary conditions provide ideal ground for breeding of :
- sheep and hen
- cattle and goat
- mosquito and flies
- useful microbes
- Plastic bag
- Banana peel
- Food waste
Scrubbers are devices used to remove
2 & 3
3 &4
- sheep and hen
- cattle and goats
- mosquitoes and flies
- useful microbes
Which of the following methods is not appropriate for the disposal of vegetable peels?
Disposal in garbage bins
Dumping in landfills
- harden and block the pipes
- breed fishes
- kill mosquitoes
- kill the useful microbes

- Product identification
- All of these
- Product promotion
- Product protection
2 & 3
3 &4
- reuse
- replace
- rethink
- mosquitoes and flies
- useful microbes
- cattle and goats
- sheep and hen
- harden and block the pipes
- kill mosquitoes
- kill the useful microbes
- breed fishes
What will happen if garbage is not disposed off properly?
- It attracts flies, insects and rats.
It will breed harmful microorganisms.
It will start causing diseases.
It will stay in the same condition.
[2 marks]
- useful microbes
- mosquitoes and flies
- sheep and hen
- cattle and goats
Unhygienic and unsanitary conditions provide ideal ground for breeding of :
- sheep and hen
- cattle and goat
- mosquito and flies
- useful microbes
- False
- True
Unhygienic and unsanitary conditions provide ideal ground for breeding of :
- cattle and goat
- sheep and hen
- useful microbes
- mosquito and flies