Settled communities
Trending Questions
Q. Which among the following is not a domestic animal?
- Cow
- Goat
- Tiger
- Dog
What is the main crop of Kalpattu village?
How many years back did Harappan cities develop?
3500 years ago
2500 years ago
4700 years ago
4000 years ago
Q. Identify the major uses of clay pots in early civilisation.
- Boiling water
- Cooking food
- Storage of grains
- All of the above
Q. Which among the following statements is true regarding early human settlments in 5, 000 BC?
- Clay pots were not in use
- Stone weapons were used for hunting
- Agriculture was a major ocuupation
- Early humans lived in caves
Q. Which among the following is not a food crop?
- Barley
- Rubber
- Rice
- Wheat
Q. Humans transformed from being hunter-gatherers to ------------------.
- farmer-herders
- warrior-priests
- trader-sailors
- gatherer-warriors
Q. Mark the purpose of a sickle from the following.
- Climb tree
- Cook Food
- Agricultural harvest
- Pound and crush grains
Q. Big clay pots and baskets were used to .
- store grains
- paint
- store jewellery
- store water
Q. Which of the following is the first step involved in agriculture?
- Tilling
- Reaping
- Sowing
- Harvesting
Q. How were clay pots made in the early days?
- Factory production
- Co-operatives
- Household production
- Child labour
Q. Settled life of humans started ------------ years ago.
- 3, 000
- 1, 200
- 50, 000
- 12, 000
Q. Animals are poached for illegal trading for their ________.
- All of the above
- hides
- horns
- skin
Q. Identify the major occupations of women in 5, 000 BC.
- Cooking
- Taking care of cattles
- Weaving baskets
- All of the above
List the examples of agricultural machines .
Q. Cattles were sheltered in _______.
- open fields
- sheds
- river banks
- houses
Q. Which of the following decided the residence or settlement of early humans?
- Climate
- Weather
- Season
- Matter of choice
Q. Which among the following was not an activity that the humans of 5, 000 BC participated in?
- Driving
- Agriculture
- Cattle rearing
- Hunting
Q. Imagine yourself to be a tribal leader of the early days. Which of the following would you choose for protection of your people against heavy rains?
- Trees
- Caves
- River banks
- Coast
Q. give reason why grains were grown in large quantities during the Harappan times?
Q. You go to a supermarket with your father. You see a variety of meat. Which of the following methods of acquiring meat from animals is not in widespread practice today?
- Slaughtering
- Mincing
- Butchering
- Hunting
Q. Which among the following statement(s) is/are not true regarding early human settlments around 5, 000 BC?
- Started agriculture
- Started to cook food in clay pots
- They were engaged in cattle rearing
- They lived in caves
Q. Clay pots fulfilled the purpose of ____.
- saving grains
- saving money
- saving ornaments
- all of the above
Q. Which among the following weapons were not relevant during 5, 000 BC?
- Knife
- Sharp stones
- Hammer
- Sickle
Q. What would be the only available source of food for you and your family if you lived in the early stages of human existence?
- Hunting
- Shops
- Supermarkets
- Gathering
Q. The was an agricultural tool developed to cut the crops in the fields.
- sickle
- axe
- hammer
- saw
Q. What is the purpose of a stone mortar in early civilisation?
- Weapon in battle
- Pound and crush grains
- Make fire
- Cook food
Q. Which of the following is quintessential for food production?
- Agriculture
- Industries
- Storage houses
- Manufacturing
Q. When people started settling in places, they started depending on agriculture, which became a major source of their food.
- True
- False