Conversion of Units
Trending Questions
- 100
- 1
- 10
- 1000
A vendor supplies 32 litres of milk to a hotel in the morning and 68 litres of milk in the evening. If the milk costs ₹ 15 per litre, how much money is due to the vendor per day?
- 2 : 7
- 2 : 9
- 2 : 5
- 2 : 3
Question 85
Convert 1537 cm to m and express the result as an improper fraction.
- True
- False
g into kg and g
- 65.013 km
- 65.13 km
- 65.1 km
- 65.103 km
Question 37.
p litres =
Question 101
(a) 1gram = ........milligrams
(b) 1litre = .........millilitres
(c) 1kilogram = .........milligrams
How many grams are there in one
- Teragram
- Microgram
- attogram
- pentagram
- decagram
- centigram
Question 104
Fill in the blank to make the statement true.
Length of river 'Narmada' is about 1290 km. Its length in metres is ...........
- 100000 meters
- 10000 meters
- 1000 meters
- None of the above
- 2 : 7
- 2 : 9
- 2 : 5
- 2 : 3
Convert cg into grams .
- 0.37 m
- 0.47 m
- 0.58 m
- 0.78 m
If Station B lies exactly between stations A and D and the total distance between Station A and
Station D is 315 miles. Calculate the distance
between Station B and Station C.

- 3220 miles
- 275 miles
- 2720miles
- 325 miles
(This question can have more than one right answer!)
- 40 kgs
- 28 kgs
- 50 kgs
- 56 kgs
Convert into .
Question 100
Fill in the blanks to make the statements true.
(a) 1-meter =...........millimetres
(b) 1-centimetre =...........millimetres
(c) 1-kilometre =............millimetres
A car travels in . At that rate, how far will the car travel in ?
If 1 kg of wheat costs ₹12, what is the cost of 3 kg of wheat?
Express without decimals