Decimals in Length Measurement
Trending Questions
Question 3 (d)
Express the following as cm using decimals:
9cm 8mm
Subtract: 202.54m from 250m
Question 4 (d)
Express the following as km using decimals:
70 km 5 m
Question 5 (b)
Express the following as kg using decimals:
100 g
Question 2 (a)
Express the following as meter using decimals:
15 cm
Question 2 (d)
Express as meters using decimals:
9 m 7 cm
Question 10 (a)
The length of Ramesh's notebook is 9 cm and 5 mm. What will be its length in cm?
Question 4 (c)
Express the following as km using decimals:
8888 m
Question 4(a)
Express the following as km using decimals:
Question 3 (e)
Express the following as cm using decimals:
93 mm
Question 3 (b)
Express the following as cm using decimals:
60 mm
Question 5 (c)
Express the following as kg using decimals:
3750 g
Question 4 (b)
Express the following as km using decimals:
Question 2 (c)
Find the value of:
18.5 – 6.79
Question 6 (f)
Express the following as cm using decimals:
83 mm
- 25.4
- 25.04
- 25.004
- 24.0004
Question 3 (c)
Express the following as cm using decimals:
164 mm
Question 1
Write the following as number in the given table:
Hundreds TensOnesTenths(100)(10)(1)(110)
Express kg g as kilogram using decimals.
9 m
78 m
825 m
9456 m
25 km 726 m
One nautical mile is. The same in kilometre is?
Convert the following weight from grams to kilograms using decimals.
Express as using decimals ?
Express as using decimals.
If Neel travels 1 km in 1.25 hrs, then how much time will he take to cover 1000 metres?
1 hr
12.5 hrs
125.5 hrs
1.25 hrs
Express as cm using decimals.
Express as using decimals.
Compare the given measurement and insert <, > or = symbol: 2800 g ______ 28 mg
Express mm as cm using decimals.