Equal Sets
Trending Questions
- Joint sets
- Disjoint sets
- Equivalent sets
- Equal sets
- equal
- infinite
- disjoint
Find the greatest number that will divide and leaving a remainder in each case.
If A = {set of letters of the word FLOW} and B = {set of letteres of the word WOLF}, then A and B are equal sets.
1) Defination of MS-WORD
2) Explain the word elements.
3) What is the extension of word document?
If A={1, 4, 5, 7, 8} and B={8, 1, 5, 4, 7} then which of the following statements are true?
Set A and set B are equal sets.
set A and set B are infinite sets.
set A and set B are null sets.
set A and set B are equivalents sets.
If A = {letters of the word MEMBER} and B = {letters of the word REMEMBER}, then the sets A and B are
infinite sets
empty sets
equal sets
disjoint sets
If A = {x: x is a letter of the word SET} and B = {x: x is a letter of the word SETTEE}, then A and B are
null sets
singleton sets
equivalent sets
equal sets

In the above venn diagram, if the circle represents set A, what are the elements of set A?
- o, a, r, n and g
- o, a and g
- g and n
- o, a and r
- 2
- 4
- 12
- 8
- A=B
- A≠B
- A⊂B
- B⊂A
If set A = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10} and set B = { a, b, d, e, m} then sets A and B are
Equivalent sets
Overlapping sets
Look at the figure and find the ratio of :
(a) The number of triangles to the number of stars in the rectangle.
(b) The number of rhombus to the total number of figures in the rectangle. [4 MARKS]
State whether A=B or not.
- E=F
- E≠F
- E⊂F
- F⊂E
All equal sets are
- 24th day of that month
- 12th day of that month
- 28th day of that month
- 20th day of that month
(I) A={x:x is a letter of the world 'paper'} and A = set of digits in the number 59672
(ii) A={x:x is a letter of the world 'pepar'} and B = set of digits in the number 756889
Write the roster form for the set given:
If they are equal then write 1, else write 0.
|x|2−3|x|+2=0 is 4