Trending Questions
If three or more lines pass through the same point then the point is called as?
Point of concurrence
Point of intersection
Collinear point
congruent point
A line contains
Html tags are surrounded by which type of brackets.
- measurable
- constant
- fixed
- infinite
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯AB
- ←−−AB
- −−→AB
- ←→AB
- True
- False
How many lines does the diamond have?
- Always parallel
- Never parallel
- Always equidistant
- Sometimes parallel sometimes non-parallel

- o
- m
- n
- I
- Line
- Line Segment
- Point
- Ray
- line
- line segment
- ray
- angle
How many points are enough to fix a line?
Question 3: Use the figure to name :
(a) A line containing point E
If a line segment is extended in both the directions with out end then we will get a
Question 3: Use the figure to name.
(a) A line passing through A
Question 4: How many lines can pass through:
(a) Two given points
Question 2:
Name the line given in all possible (twelve) ways, choosing only two letters at a time from the four given.
Which of the following is an example of line?