Trending Questions
Find out five differences between a lunar and a solar calendar.
- round
- tilted
- straight
- None of the above
- shorter than solar eclipse
- almost the same length as a solar eclipse
- longer than a solar eclipse.
- Hybrid solar eclipse
- Partial solar eclipse
- Total solar eclipse
- Annular solar eclipse
- Moon
- Sun
- Star
- Meteors
- Straight
- Angled
- Round
- Tilted
What is the maximum number of eclipses both solar and lunar, that can occur in a year?
The possibility of Earth coming in between the sun and the moon is once a month. Why don't we experience an eclipse every month?
It takes 365 days for the moon to revolve around the earth.
The plane of revolution of the sun and the earth are not the same.
The plane of revolution of the earth and the moon are not the same.
The plane of revolution of the sun and the moon are not the same.
- The sun, moon and the earth make an angle of 45∘.
- The sun, moon and the earth make an angle of 90∘.
- The earth comes in line with the sun and the moons.
- The moon comes in line with the sun and the Earth.
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 1
- Total Solar Elipse
- Partial Solar Eclipse
- Lunar Solar Eclipse
- Solar Lunar Eclipse
- Maximum 5 and minimum 4.
- Maximum 5 and minimum 2.
- Maximum 10 and minimum 7.
- Maximum 8 and minimum 2.
Which of the following are eclipses?
Umbra eclipse
Lunar eclipse
Solar eclipse
Penumbra eclipse
2. The earth revolves around the sun from east to west. ________
3. In the period between the New Moon and Full Moon, the moon wanes. ________
4. Comets are also known as shooting stars. _________
- None of these
- Solar Eclipse
- Lunar Eclipse
- Both a and b
The moon's orbit is tilted about
- 15
- 105
- 5
- 0
Eclipses do not occur every month because the moon's orbit is
In which of the following cases will an eclipse occur.
The earth comes in line with the sun and the moon.
The moon comes in line with the sun and the earth.
The sun, moon and the earth make an angle of 45∘.
The sun, moon and the earth make an angle of 90∘.