Electric Bulb
Trending Questions
- Thomas Alva Edison
- Albert Einstein
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Which is the strongest metal in the world?
Question 6
Would the bulb glow after completing the circuit shown in Fig. if instead of safety pin we use an eraser?
Which of the two is good conductor of heat and electricity: sodium or chlorine.
Which memory device is generally made of semiconductor
Floppy disk
Cd disk
Question 20
Boojho has a cell and a single piece of connecting wire. Without cutting the wire in two, will he be able to make the bulb glow? Explain with the help of a circuit diagram.
Name an object which is non luminous at room temperature but can be made luminous by heating.
What faults are common with inductors?
- A metal case.
- Metal tip at the centre of the base
- Two thick wires
- A thin wire.
- Cell
- Switch
- Bulb
- Wire
- False
- True
The insulator used in the element of an electric iron is ______.
An electric iron is based upon the principle of
Heating effect of current
Chemical effect of current
Magnetic effect of current
None of these
A thin wire that emits light in a bulb is known as _____.
- Neutral wire
- Fuse wire
- Bulb wire
- Flow wire

A soft iron piece in an electromagnet, on which an insulated copper wire is wound, is called,
Cooking vessels should be made of ______ conductors?
Electric current can pass through a sheet of thermocol
When current flows through a circuit, the circuit is called open circuit
Electric current can flow through metals
An electric bulb has one terminal
- thermostat melts
- electrons flow
- rod melts
Why do we use thin and long tungsten in the filament of an electric bulb?
- True
- False

If bulb A is blown, then bulb B will stop glowing. State True / False.
- False
- True
- Copper
- Bamboo
- Cotton
- Platinum
please tell about allesandro Volta who invented electric cell, also mention how the cell was successfully made atlast tin easy language simplest form actually because we have to make a project on this please send it to me in the simplest form and too quickly
Sorry for disturbing you as it is an urgent matter...
Why are coils made of copper?
Name of the scientist who invented electric bulb is ___________.