Magnetic and Non Magnetic Materials
Trending Questions
Why do magnets not stick to stainless steel?
- Iron
- Copper
- Cobalt
- Wood
- hammered
- heated
- thrown from a height
- kept under water
A perfectly diamagnetic sphere has a small spherical cavity at its centre, which is filled with a paramagnetic substance. The whole system is placed in a uniform magnetic field . Then the field inside the paramagnetic substance is:
Much large than and parallel to
Much large than and opposite to
Question 1 (v)
Fill in the blank in the following.
A magnet always has
Artificial magnets were discovered in Greece.
- True
- False
- True
- False
- maximum at the ends of the magnet
- maximum at one end of the magnet
- maximum at the middle of the magnet
- uniform throughout the magnet
Paper is not a ______ material
If a magnet is placed on a plastic plate with pins spread on it, then________.
Pins stick all around the magnet
None of these
Pins stick at the middle of the magnet
Pins stick at the ends of the magnet
The intensity of the magnetic field due to earth at a point inside a hollow steel box is
Non - magnetic materials: Rubber, wood, plastic
Magnetic materials: Steel, iron nails, cobalt.
- True
- False
Which of the following gets demagnetised when a powerful magnet is kept near it?
Plastic ruler
Glass tumbler
Compact disc
- Only A
- Only E
- A and B
- A and E
What are artificial magnets? How are these classified?
- Iron
- Silver
- Gold
- Copper
- a magnet
- a magnetic material
- a non-magnetic material
- either a magnetic or a non-magnetic material
What is a cow magnet?
Question 7
Paheli and her friends were decorating the class bulletin board. She dropped the box of stainless steel pins by mistake. She tried to collect the pins using a magnet. She could not succeed. What could be the reason for this?
- Alpins
- Steel paper clips
- Eraser
- Plastic scale
Encircle the odd one out. Give reasons for your choices.
Brass, rubber, iron, paper, plastic
Why do magnetic materials have domains but non-magnetic materials don't?
- all locations
- the middle
- the two extremes
- the right end
Question 2 (iv)
State whether the following statement is true or false.
Maximum iron filings stick in the middle of a bar magnet when it is brought near them.
When a piece of soft iron is rubbed with a permanent steel magnet, it also changes into a permanent magnet.
- True
- False
Question 8
How will you test that ‘tea dust’ is not adulterated with iron powder?
- Steel
- Nickel
- Cobalt
- Silver
- Torch
- Radio
- Computer
- Television
When a bar magnet is brought near an iron rod ________ precedes ________.