Trending Questions
What are fermenters?
The process of conversion of sugar into alcohol by the action of yeast is known as _________.
None of these
Which one of the following is attacked by HIV virus?
Red-blood cell
White-blood cells
Liver cell
Long cell
Q. What process takes place when yeast is added to grape juice and left for a week?
- Fermentation
- Decomposition
- Distillation
- Sedimentation
Botulism is caused by the bacteria__________
Clostridium botulinum
Helicobacter pylori
Salmonella typhi
Bacillus thuringiensis
Q. During the process of bread making, dough rises up due to the formation of ___.
- carbon monoxide
- carbon dioxide
- nitrous oxide
- calcium hydroxide
What is the process of conversion of sugar into alcohol called?
This is a picture of dry yeast that you can buy from the grocery store. For which of the following dishes would you use yeast?
Q. Can an ameoba eat small fishes?
Q. if some bacteria dont have slimy layer how will cell prevent loss of water
Q. ______ is used for the production of alcohol and wine.
- Algae
- Ant
- Mosquito
- Yeast
Q. Who among the following scientists discovered fermentation?
- David Warner
- Louis Pasteur
- Alexander Fleming
- Edward Jenner
Q. Living organisms which cannot be seen by our naked eyes are known as:
- Mammals
- Microorganisms
- Amphibians
- Reptiles
Q. ___ are used by the immune system to fight and kill the disease causing pathogens.
- Antigens
- Antidote
- Antibodies
- Anesthesia
Q. Name the process in which sugar is converted into alcohol?
- Fermentation
- Respiration
- Bubbling
- Dissection
Q. While baking cakes, yeast reproduces rapidly and produces ___ gas.
- nitrogen
- carbon dioxide
- oxygen
- hydrogen
Q. Disease causing microorganisms are known as _______.
- disinfectants
- pathogens
- antibiotics
- antiseptics