Meristematic Tissues
Trending Questions
Bulliform or motor cells are present in
Dicot stem
Upper epidermis of dicot leaves
Upper epidermis of monocot leaves
Lower epidermis of monocot leaves
What is the difference between a palisade tissue and a mesophyll cell?
In the meristematic cells, nuclei are _______
- epidermal
- vascular
- epithelial
- meristematic
What are the major structures of a root?
Specify any one of the lateral meristems functions.
- division
- continuation
- differentiation
- integration
Does transpiration occur due to the activity of stomata?
Which one of the following statements is not correct?
In potato, banana and ginger, the plantlets arise from the internodes present in the modified stem
Water hyacinth, growing in the standing water, drains oxygen from water that leads to the death of fishes
Offsprings produced by the asexual reproduction are called clones
Microscopic, motile asexual reproductive structures are called zoospores
The meristematic tissue involved in the vertical growth of a plant is called
Intercalary meristem
Lateral meristem
Root apical meristem
Shoot apical Meristem
The most appropriate part of leaf epidermis in a dicot plant to observe stomata and guard cells would be on
Dorsal side
Ventral side on midrib
Any part on ventral but not midrib
The tissue responsible for the active vertical and horizontal growth in plants is called
Vascular tissue
Meristematic tissue
Dermal tissue
Ground tissue
Totipotency is present in ------------------------
Name the kind of tissue found
(a) at the tip of plant roots.
(b) at the lower surface of leaf.
(c) in the inner lining of intestine.
(d) at the joint between two long bones.
(e) in the walls of the veins of leaves.
(f) as gritty masses in the pulp of pears.
Find the correct sets from the following.
Type of meristematic tissueLocation Function i. Apical meristemTip of stem and rootsIncreases lengthii. Lateral meristemLateral sides of stem and rootIncreases girthiii. Intercalary meristemBase of leaves and internodes Growth of leaves and stem
- Only i is correct
- Both i and ii are correct
- Both i and iii are correct
- All are correct
The girth of stem increases due to
lateral meristem
apical meristem
intercalary meristem
vertical meristem
- Apical
- Intercalary
- Lateral
Give a term for unorganised mass of cells.
How do root cells increase in size?
Meristematic tissues include
Mature fruits and leaf tips.
Stems and root apices, vascular cambium and cork cambium.
Stems and root apices, cork cambium, and mature fruits.
Leaf tips, cork cambium, and vascular cambium.
If you cut off the tip of the stem, keep it in a dark room but water it regularly, which of the following is expected to happen?
The stem would degenerate
The stem will grow, but flowers may not form
Flowers will form in a few days
None of the above
Do the roots continue growing even after we have removed their tips?

- Meristematic tissue
- Cartilage
- Squamous epithelium
- Sclerechyma
- Ciliated epithelium
- Ligament
The cells of the quiescent centre are characterized by
Dividing regularly to add to tunica
Dividing regularly to add to corpus
Having light cytoplasm and small nuclei
Having dense cytoplasm and prominent nuclei
- Have their walls made of cellulose
- Have intercellular spaces between them
- Store reserve food materials
- Have their walls made of chitin