The Tropical Rainforests
Trending Questions
The tropical rainforest has a large population of animals. Explain why it is so?
Question 6
Following are some of the characteristics of animals:
(i) Diets heavy on fruits(ii) White fur(iii) Need to migrate(iv) Loud voice(v) Sticky pads on feet(vi) Layer of fat under skin(vii) Wide and large paws(viii) Bright colours(ix) Strong tails(x) Long and large beak
For each characteristic indicate whether it is adaptation for tropical rainforests or Polar Regions. Do you think that some of these characteristics can be adapted for both regions?
Following are some of the characteristics of animals:
(i) Diets heavy on fruits
(ii) White fur
(iii) Need to migrate
(iv) Loud voice
(v) Sticky pads on feet
(vi) Layer of fat under the skin
(vii) Wide and large paws
(viii) Bright colors
(ix) Strong tails
(x) Long and large beak
For each characteristic indicate whether it is an adaptation for tropical rainforests or polar regions. Do you think that some of these characteristics can be adapted for both regions?
Mention the important characteristics of tropical rain forests. Which types of animals are inhabitants of this area? Explain in detail. [5 MARKS]
The bird shown in the above is called as a Toucan. It lives in the rainforests of Southern and Central America. Why does it have such a long beak?
To fight with other birds
To get caught by predators
To show off to female birds
To help pluck difficult to reach fruits in trees
Name two animals each that live in the polar region and tropical rain forests.
- polar
- tropical
- coastal
- northern
Write a note on tropical regions. [3 MARKS]
A carnivore with stripes on its body moves very fast while catching its prey. It is likely to be found in
(i) polar regions
(ii) deserts
(iii) oceans
(iv) tropical rainforests
Monkey tails help them grip branches. Say true or false
How does an elephant living in the tropical rainforest adapt itself?
Which among the following adaptations is not common to polar bears, penguins, seals and whales?
Thick oily fur coats
Limbs adapted for swimming
Thick layer of blubber under their skin
All of the above
- White fur
- Thick skin
- Stream-lined body
- Fat under skin
Which of the following regions are located around the equator?
Temperate regions
Tropical rainforests
Polar regions
None of these
What kind of climate is present in a tropical rainforest region?
Cold and humid
Hot and dry
Hot and Humid
Extremely cold
In which of the following regions do we have an equal duration of days and nights throughout the year?
Temperate regions
Polar regions
Tropical rainforests
Polar regions and grasslands
Question 4
Paheli went to a wildlife sanctuary where she saw dense vegetation of trees, shrubs, herbs and also a variety of animals like monkeys, birds, elephants, snakes, frogs, etc. The most likely location of this sanctuary is in the -
(a) Temperate region
(b) Tropical region
(c) Polar region
(d) Coastal region
- polar
- lattitude
- longitude
- equator
Rainforest offer hospitable climatic conditions to support huge population of animals. Explaine how?
In India, tropical rainforests are found in which areas? (You may choose more than one option)
Western Ghats
Purvanchal Himalaya
Chotanagpur Plateau
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
The climate in tropical region is generally:
The climate in the tropical region is generally:
Which of the following regions have an equal duration of days and nights throughout the year?
Polar regions and grasslands
Tropical rainforests
Temperate regions
Polar regions
Penguin, Gorilla, Monkey, Reindeer, Assam, Greenland, Sun does not rise for six months, Hot and humid climate, Days and nights are almost equal in length throughout the year, Winter temperature around −37∘C, Western Ghats

- Snow leopard
- Camels
- Yak
- Lion