Formation of Precipitate
Trending Questions
Barium chloride on reacting with sodium sulphate forms barium sulphate and sodium chloride. Which of the following is the precipitate?
Barium chloride
Barium sulphate
Sodium sulphate
Sodium chloride
- formation of gas
- formation of ppt
- absoprtion of heat
When Sodium sulphate and Barium Chloride are mixed in an aqueous solution, a white precipitate of _________ is formed.
When sodium sulphate solution reacts with barium chloride solution, the solution after the reaction contains
Barium sulphide
Sodium chloride
Both A and B
None of A and B

- 2
In washing powders, certain chemicals are added to impart the under-mentioned properties. Name the chemical used for each purpose.
Keep the washing powder dry
Barium chloride solution can be used to distinguish between a sodium sulphate solution and sodium nitrate solution. How is this done?
In washing powders, certain chemicals are added to impart the under-mentioned properties. Name the chemical used for each purpose.
Remove dust particles
Above reaction involves formation of precipitate.
State your observations
Barium chloride solution is slowly added to Sodium Sulphate solution?
When lead nitrate reacts with potassium iodide, yellow precipitate of
PbI2 is formed
KNO3 is formed
Pb(NO3)2 is formed
PbIO3 is formed
6. Write one of the reaction for each of the following characteristics :
(d) Formation of percipitate
- Gas - oxygen
Change - chemical - Gas - carbon dioxide
Change - chemical - Gas - oxygen
Change - physical - Gas - carbon dioxide
Change - physical
- change in colour
- evolution of gas
- evolution of heat
- →
- ↑
- ↓
- ←
- calcium hydroxide is formed.
- white precipitate of CaO is formed.
- white precipitate of CaCO3 is formed.
- colour of lime water disappears.
Precipitates are _____ substances.
little soluble
readily soluble
- formation of gas
- formation of ppt
- absoprtion of heat