Sources of Air Pollution
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When the burning of coal is done in a limited environment of oxygen, the exhaust produces poisonous gas Carbon dioxide.
- cloud
- smog
- rainbow
- fog
Which oxide of carbon is harmful and poisonous and are produced on partial burning?
Carbon dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Which of the following activities causes air pollution?
Cutting of trees
Burning of fuels and fibres
The decrease in the number of industries
Use of Chloro The decrease
Which of the following is true about Suspended particulate matters?
All of the above
Lead oxide is a type of SPM which causes brain cancer
Soot causes Bronchitis
Pollen grains also comes under SPM category
Give biological reasons for the following statement:
Cutting of trees should be discouraged.
What is air pollution?
People usually keep Angethi/burning coal in their closed rooms during winter season. Why is it advised to keep the door open?
Identify the correct pairs of gases and their corresponding sources.
- Vehicles, Methane - Excreta of all living organisms, Water vapour - Sea water,
- Plants
- Excreta of all living organisms, Water vapour - Sea water,
- Plants, Methane - Vehicles
Methane - Vehicles, Water vapour - Excreta of all living organisms,
- Plants,
- Sea water
- Vehicles, Methane - Sea water, Water vapour - Excreta of all living organisms,
- Plants
- Factories
- Dung cakes
- Forests
- Power plants
The pollutants released from oil refineries are:
Oxides of hydrogen and oxygen
Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen
Oxides of sulphur and hydrogen
Oxides of nitrogen and hydrogen
- Sulphur dioxide
- Carbon dioxide
- Nitrogen dioxide
- Ozone
Describe Air Pollution and its causative agents.
Oxides of sulphur and oxygen are released by oil refineries.
Which of the following are responsible for air pollution?
Volcanic eruption
Automobile emissions
Volcanic eruption and Automobile emissions
None of these
Pollution of air is caused due to _______.
- poisonous gases and particulate matter
- colloids
particulate matter
poisonous gases
- Carbon monoxide
- Sulphur dioxide
- Nitrous oxide
- Carbon dioxide
Contamination of air by unwanted substances is called ______.
air utilisation
air pollution
- air purification
air conservation