Introduction to 2D and 3D Shapes
Trending Questions
- Point
- Space
- Area
- Volume
Question 82
State whether the statement is True or False.
A cone is a polyhedron.
- Cone
- Cylinder
- Sphere
- Square
Question 78
State whether the statement is True or False.
A tetrahedron has 3 triangular faces and 1 rectangular face.
- quadrilateral
- square
- rectangle
- equal
- length
- measure
- different
- Triangle
- Square
- Cuboid
- Rectangle
Which are prisms among the following:
- Length
- Width
- Height
- None of the above.
- Sphere
- Rectangle
- Square
- Cone
State whether the following statement is True or False.
Pyramids do not have a diagonal.
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
Which of the following is not an example of 3D object?
- Traingular pyramid
- Triangular prism
- Square pyramid
- Triangle
Question 53
Fill in the blank to make the statement true
Cuboid is a rectangular
Question 11
Out of the following which is a 3-D figure?
a) Square
b) Sphere
c) Triangle
d) Circle
Statement I: Triangle is the first closed figure.
Statement II: Any figure which starts and ends in the same point is called a closed figure.
Statement I is true but statement II is false
None of the statements I and II are true
Both statements I and II are true; statement II is NOT the correct explanation of statement I
Both statements I and II are true and statement II is the correct explanation of statement I
I draw a quadrilateral and then draw all its diagonals. How many triangles can I find?
In the figure of a cube,
i) Which edge is the intersection of faces EFGH and EFBA?
ii) Which faces intersect at edge FB?
iii) Which three faces form the vertex A?
iv) Which vertex is formed by the faces ABCD, ADHE and CDHG?
v) Give all the edges that are parallel to edge AB
vi) Give the edges that are neither parallel nor perpendicular to edge BC.
vii) Give all the edges that are perpendicular to edge AB.
viii) Give four vertices that do not all lie in one plane.
[4 marks]

Which of the following are true regarding the given figure?
- Two faces are hexagons, and the rest are rectangles
- All of the above
- The given solid is a hexagonal prism
- The cross sectional area of the figure is constant
Fill in the blanks to make the statement true.
A pyramid on an n sided polygon has
- 3 Dimensional
- 2 Dimensional
- 1 Dimensional
- No Dimension
The top view of the following solid is:
- Surface Area
- Area
- Lateral Surface Area
- Volume
- Triangle
- Semi-circle
- Square
- Circle
- point
- dimension
- line
- line segment.