Pie Chart
Trending Questions
ColoursNo. of peopleBlue18Green9Red6Yellow3Total36
Draw a pie chart showing the given information. The table shows the colours preferred by a group of people. Calculate the respective proportion of each colour and use that proportion to find the central angle. What is the percentage of the colour red?
The following pie chart shows the percentage of students who like a particular subject.
Given that 120 students took part in the survey.
The number of students who like Maths is _____.

Total number of students from IIT = 23700
Total number of students from IIM = 24700
(A) How many employees of TATA and Birla are students from IIT?
(B) How many employees of Reliance and Satyam are students from IIM?
- (A) → 8643; (B) → 2525
- (A) → 4641; (B) → 5956
- (A) → 3822; (B) → 8242
- (A) → 7347; (B) → 7163
The following pie chart shows the number of students who like particular subjects.
There were 160 students who participated in the data collection.
The total number of students who like Science and Hindi are :
The proportion of time spent in the gym by a person is ____.
(Refer the pie chart given below)

What is the angle of sector in a pie chart representing tea?
- 40∘
- 72∘
- 108∘
- 135∘
In a survey to analyze eating habits of different people, one observation was that 60% of people were non-vegetarian (N), 25% of people are eggetarian (E) and 15% of people are vegetarian(V). Find the angles θN, θE and θV from the pie chart.
θN= 216∘ , θE= 100∘ , θV= 44∘
θN= 226∘ , θE= 70∘ , θV= 64∘
θN= 216∘ , θE= 90∘ , θV= 54∘
θN= 226∘ , θE= 90∘ , θV= 44∘
If 1100 people like playing cricket, then what is the total number of people who took the survey?
None of these
What is the angle subtended by green portion at the center of following pie chart.
In a survey conducted in 2015 for 7000 people, it was found that 3% of them were suffering from the flu. Find the number of people suffering from the flu.
Assuming that the total marks obtained for the examination are 540. The marks scored in Social Science is more than ____.

- Mathematics
- Science
- Hindi
- English
Out of 20 boys, 5 play football, 8 play cricket, 4 play basketball, 2 play kabaddi and 1 plays tennis. Roughly represent this data as percentages on a pie chart. [3 MARKS]
If the above figure is converted into a pie chart, what will be the angle of the sector representing science students?
Study the pie – chart carefully to answer the following questions.
The pie-chart shows the percentage of students studying different specialisations in a management institute. The total number of students is 4500.
Ratio of men to women in each specialisation
SpecialisationMenWomenHR23Marketing75International Business51Banking1710IT12Finance54
(A) What is the total number of men studying Banking and International Business?
(B) The number of women studying Finance is what percentage of the number of men studying the same?
(A) →1125; (B) → 70%
(A) →297; (B) → 65%
(A) →1015; (B) → 80%
(A) →594; (B) → 95%
ColoursNo. of peopleBlue18Green9Red6Yellow3Total36
Draw a pie chart showing the given information. The table shows the colours preferred by a group of people. Calculate the respective proportion of each colour and use that proportion to find the central angle. What is the percentage of the colour red?
If 1100 people like playing cricket, then what is the total number of people who took the survey?
None of these
The item on which expenditure is equal to the total savings of the family, is _______.

- Food
- Others
- Clothes
- Education for children

- 20
- 48
- 30
- 32
Which two expenditure together have a central angle of 108o?

- Binding and Transportation Cost
- Printing and Paper Cost
- Royalty and Promotion Cost
- Binding and Paper Cost
Data collected in a survey shows that 40% of the buyers are interested in buying a particular brand of toothpaste. The central angle of the sector of the pie chart representing this information is:
- 40°
The pie chart shows the number of students who choose different co-curricular activities in a school. An equal number of students choose Basketball and Volleyball and 96 students choose Table Tennis.
The ratio of the number of students who choose Basketball to those who choose Soccer is 2 : 7. How many students choose Soccer?
- 158
- 160
- 168
- 172
Which of the following is a circle graph representing different flavors of ice-cream in an ice-cream parlor?
V - Vanilla
C - Chocolate
M - Mango
(i) & (ii)
(ii) & (iii)
(i) & (iii)
The number of students speaking different languages is given below. Display the data in a pie chart and state the percentage of student speaking Marathi.
LanguageNo. of StudentsHindi40English12Marathi9Tamil7Bengali4Total72
Which of the following statement is true?
In a pie chart, the area as well as the angle subtended by the arc at the center gives us the desired quantity.
In a pie chart, only the area as gives us the desired quantity.
- In a pie chart, only the angle subtended by the arc at the center gives us the desired quantity.
- None of these.

- Rs. 48, 000
- Rs. 60, 000
- Rs. 50, 000
- Rs. 72, 000
The pie-chart shows the percentage of students studying different specialisations in a management institute. The total number of students is 4500.

Ratio of men to women in each specialisation
(A) What is the total number of men studying Banking and International Business?
(B) The number of women studying Finance is what percentage of the number of men studying the same?
- (A) →1125; (B) → 70%
- (A) →297; (B) → 65%
- (A) →1015; (B) → 80%
- (A) →594; (B) → 95%