Place Values
Trending Questions
Reduce into its lowest term.
How many significant figures does 600 have?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
Write in decimal form
5 thousands + 3 hundreds + 1 tens + 5 ones + 7 tenths + 7 hundredths can be written as __________.
Write 2.5 as fraction and reduce it into its lowest terms.
Write the number
13 +710+31000 in the form of decimals.
Place value of 5 in the number 23.145 is__________.
5 thousandths
5 thousand
5 hundred
5 hundredths
- 6 tenths
- 6 tens
- 6 decimals
- 6 ones
8 tens + 8 ones + 8 tenths is greater than
8 tens + 8 ones
8 tens + 8 ones + 8 tenths + 8 hundredths
9 tens + 8 ones + 8 tenths + 8 hundredths
8 hundred + 9 tens + 8 ones
Write as fractions in its lowest term.
Q.9. Classify the following nouns as Proper Nouns, Common Nouns, Collective Nouns, Material Nouns or
Write in decimal form
Write the expanded form of .
What is the lowest term in ?
(i) 354.563
(ii) 123.321
By how much does −3 exceed −5?
(a) −2
(b) 2
(c) 8
(d) −8
Convert the Base 5 numerals into Base 10.
(a) 41(5)
(b) 132(5)
(c) 204(5)