The Scale
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Convert Million Dollars In Rupees
What is a family .
What Is A Family? Answer The Following Questions Briefly.
The following table gives the minimum and maximum temperature of cities on a particular day. Plot the graph and answer the questions.
City | Delhi | Bangalore | Srinagar | Mumbai | Chennai |
Maximum Temperature | 23 | 20 | 10 | 30 | 32 |
Minimum Temperature | 20 | 19 | 4 | 28 | 27 |
- Which city has the maximum difference in the day temperature ?
- Which city has the minimum difference in the day temperature?
- Which are the hottest and the coldest cities ?
Months |
Amount of Rainfall (mm) |
January |
45 |
February |
65 |
March |
40 |
April |
60 |
May |
75 |
Number of children in six different classes are given below. Represent the data on a bar graph. How would you choose a scale?
Class | Fifth | Sixth | Seventh | Eighth | Ninth | Tenth |
Number of Children |
Draw bar graph for the following data :
Day | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Visitors | 350 | 300 | 340 | 330 | 335 | 300 | 345 |
Which of the following would you use if you had to represent the average rainfall over a period of 1 week in Bangalore?
Line graph
Bar graph
Double line graph
Double bar graph
The following graph shows the runs scored by some cricketers in a selection test. Study the graph carefully and answer who has scored the highest score in the test?
Draw a double bar graph choosing appropriate scale.
Subject English Hindi Maths Science S.Science 1st Term (M.M. 100)67728880732nd Term (M.M. 100)7065958575
In which subject, has the child improved his performance the most?
Months |
Amount of Rainfall |
January |
4.5 cm |
February |
65 mm |
March |
4 cm |
April |
60 mm |
May |
75 mm |
It seemed like a forever journey for Jack as he was moving towards Cottage city. He remembered that his famous work on time travel was criticized everywhere. Maybe people in future now are making fun of him. For his work, he was nominated for the “Excellence Award”. He then checked the status of the number of votes he got.
Find the frequency of people voting for Jack.
- 18500
- 19000
- 20000
- 17500
The range of the data is______.
Read the following bar graph carefully and tell What is the scale of this graph?
It seemed like a forever journey for Jack as he was moving towards Cottage city. He remembered that his famous work on time travel was criticized everywhere. Maybe people in future now are making fun of him. For his work, he was nominated for the “Excellence Award”. He then checked the status of the number of votes he got.
Find the frequency of people voting for Jack.
- 17500
- 19000
- 20000
- 18500
Table given below represents the number of Government companies in India during some years.
Year | Number of Government companies |
Draw a Bar graph representing the given information.
Class | Fifth | Sixth | Seventh | Eighth | Ninth | Tenth |
Number of Children | 135 | 120 | 95 | 100 | 90 | 80 |
- only one
- more than one
- two
The bar graph in Fig. 15.8 shows the number of one-day matches played by cricket teams of different countries. Select the correct answer from the given four alternative answers.
How many matches did Bangladesh play?
It seemed like a forever journey for Jack as he was moving towards Cottage city. He remembered that his famous work on time travel was criticized everywhere. Maybe people in future now are making fun of him. For his work, he was nominated for the “Excellence Award”. He then checked the status of the number of votes he got.
Find the frequency of people voting for Jack.
- 20000
- 18500
- 17500
- 19000
- True
- False
It seemed like a forever journey for Jack as he was moving towards Cottage city. He remembered that his famous work on time travel was criticized everywhere. Maybe people in future now are making fun of him. For his work, he was nominated for the “Excellence Award”. He then checked the status of the number of votes he got.
Find the frequency of people voting for Jack.
- 20000
- 18500
- 19000
- 17500
- 12
- 48
- 72
- 36
It seemed like a forever journey for Jack as he was moving towards Cottage city. He remembered that his famous work on time travel was criticized everywhere. Maybe people in future now are making fun of him. For his work, he was nominated for the “Excellence Award”. He then checked the status of the number of votes he got.
Find the frequency of people voting for Jack.
- 18500
- 20000
- 19000
- 17500
It seemed like a forever journey for Jack as he was moving towards Cottage city. He remembered that his famous work on time travel was criticized everywhere. Maybe people in future now are making fun of him. For his work, he was nominated for the “Excellence Award”. He then checked the status of the number of votes he got.
Find the frequency of people voting for Jack.
- only one
- more than one
- two
The range of the data and is_________.