Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Trending Questions
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Question 7
Will the compass needle show deflection when the switch in the circuit shown in the figure is closed?
Question 1
When an electric current flows through a copper wire AB as shown in Figure, the wire
(a) Deflects a magnetic needle placed near it
(b) Becomes red hot
(c) Gives electric shock
(d) Behaves like a fuse
The magnetic effect of electric current was first observed by:
W.H. Whitkar
H.C. Oersted
Isaac Newton
Galileo Galilei
Question 17
Your teacher has shown you the following activity
Activity: Teacher has wound a long insulated piece of wire around an iron nail in the form of a coil. Free ends of the wire are connected to a cell through a switch as shown in the Figure 14.3. The current is switched on and some pins are placed near the ends of the nail.
Write down any three questions that come to your mind about this activity
The field at the centre of a long circular coil carrying current will be parallel straight lines.
- True
- False
The magnetic field lines form closed loops.
State True or False.
On which of the following factors does the direction of deflection of a magnetic needle depend?
Direction of current flowing through the circuit
Size of Magnetic Needle
Magnitude of current flowing through the circuit
Both A and B
On which of the following factor, the direction of deflection of a magnetic needle of a compass depends when the compass is kept near a current carrying wire?
Direction of current flowing through the circuit
Magnitude of current flowing through the circuit
Both A and B
Size of Magnetic Needle
Question 7
Will the compass needle show deflection when the switch in the circuit shown in the figure is closed?
When we bring a magnetic needle near a current carrying conductor, it gets deflected. This deflection is an example of:
Chemical effect of electric current
Heating effect of electric current
Magnetic effect of electric current
None of these
_________is the pattern of magnetic field around a straight current carrying conductor.
Parallel lines
Concentric helix
Concentric circles
- Concentric spiral
Question 6
When the current is switched on through a wire, a compass needle kept nearby gets deflected from its north-south position. Explain.
- Heating effect
- Magnetic effect
- Current
- Electromagnet
The magnetic effect was first observed by a scientist Hans Christian Oersted
- True
- False
When we bring a magnetic needle near a current carrying conductor, it gets deflected. This deflection is an example of:
Chemical effect of electric current
Heating effect of electric current
Magnetic effect of electric current
- Electro-optic effect of electric current
Select the correct option:
I) A magnetic needle responds to the Earth’s magnetic field.
II) A magnetic needle gets deflected when a magnet is brought near it.
III) A magnetic needle is made up of a non-magnetic material.
I and III are correct
only I is correct
only II is correct
I and II are correct
The device used to protect electric circuit is ____________(fuse /battery ).
- Iron box
- Wind turbine
- Lever
- Loudspeakers
Why is a magnetic needle used in the tester made to test mostly weak conductors? [3 MARKS]
Give reason when electricity passes through a wire, it deflects the compass needle.
- Heating effect
- Magnetic effect
- Current
- Electromagnet
When we bring a magnetic needle near a current carrying conductor it gets deflected. This deflection is an example of:
Heating effect of electric current
Magnetic effect of electric current
None of these
Chemical effect of electric current
When two magnets are placed closed to each other, north pole of one magnet gets attracted to the south pole of the other magnet.