General Practices in Agriculture
Trending Questions
What is irrigation? Describe two methods of irrigation that conserve water.
What are zaid crops ? What months zaid crops are grown ? What months the Rabi crops are grown ? What months the kharif crops are grown ?
Name the crops grown in summer and winter season.

- ploughing
- levelling
- broadcasting
- seed drilling
- False
- True
what is the agricultural task to be completed before sowing
A short note on ploughing
Soil is the natural medium for plants to grow. How is it prepared by the farmers for the growth of the crops?
The crop's grow June to September are know as?
- False
- True
If you are given a dry piece of land for cultivation what will you do before sowing the seeds?
What do you mean by tilling??
Which of the following is/are the steps involved in soil preparation?
All of the above
Wheat and gram belong to which crop?
- Fertilization
- preparation
- Watering
- Floating
- Irrigation facilities
- Weather conditions
- Growth of weeds
- Types of seeds
- Cotton
- Paddy
- Wheat
- Maize
Preparation of soil includes the following:
ploughing, levelling, adding manures and fertilizers
ploughing, levelling, sowing and irrigation
sowing, irrigation, adding fertilisers
irrigation, adding manures and weeding
Two important steps in soil preparation are;
Turning and loosening
None of the above
Turning and sowing
Loosening and sowing
Which of the following is a Rabi cereal?
All the above
- Plough - Loosening up of soil
- Hoe - Tilling of soil
- Cultivator - Tilling
- Harvester - sowing
_______ is known as the supply of controlled amount of water to the plants.
Crops which are grown in rainy season are called?
- Kharif
- Rabi
- Seasonal
- Annual
Select the correct word from the following list and fill in the blank.
float, water, crop, nutrients, preparation
The first step before growing crops is
- Rabi crops
- Kharif crops
- Seasonal crops
- Annual crops
- Kharif crops
- Rabi crops
- Cash crops
- Seasonal crops
(a) crop rotation
(b) field fallow
(c) manures
(d) ploughing