Post Fertilisation Structures and Events
Trending Questions
Q. What kind if placentation is there in watermelon?
Seed dormancy during environmental stress is promoted by which plant growth regulator?
Q. The hilum is a scar on the -
- fruit, where style was present
- seed, where micropyle was present
- fruit, where it was attached to pedicel
- seed, where funicle was attached
Q. Testa of a seed is produced from
- Ovary wall
- Hilum
- Outer integument of ovule
- Funicle
Plant growth movements are induced by phytohormones.
Fruits developing from an unfertilised ovary are
True fruits
False fruits
Accessory fruits
Parthenocarpic fruits
Q. Identify the wrong statement regarding post-fertilisation development.
- The ovary wall develops into pericarp
- The outer integument of ovule develops into tegmen
- The primery endosperm nucleus develops into endosperm
- The ovule develops into seed
Q. The ovary after fertilisation is developes into:
- Embryo
- Fruit
- Endosperm
- Seed
What will be the ploidy of (i) embryo, (ii) perisperm and (iii) endosperm of seeds produced by a cross between a 4n female plant and a 2n male plant?
(i)-3n, (ii)-4n & (iii)-5n
(i)-3n, (ii)-3n & (iii)-5n
(i)-4n, (ii)-3n & (iii)-4n
(i)-2n, (ii)-2n & (iii)-3n
Why is sporogenous tissue present in young anther?
differentiate between gemination and fertilization
b) fusion and fertilization