Trending Questions
(a) What is meant by 'sowing' ? What are the various methods of sowing the seeds ?
(b) What precautions should be taken in sowing the seeds ?
- seeds will be distributed evenly
- sows the seeds at the proper depth.
- seeds are covered by soil after sowing
- all the above
Explain why, the seeds should be sown at right spacings.
The process of loosening and turning of soil is called
irrigation and manuring
digging and winnowing
tilling and ploughing
harvesting and storage
Describe briefly, how soil is prepared for sowing the seeds.
- Seeds are sown at proper depth
- Seeds are sown at equal distances
- Seeds are protected from birds
- Aids in the process of weeding
In agriculture, broadcasting is used for :
(a) ploughing the fields (b) rotating the crops (c) removing the weeds (d) sowing the seeds
Who Is the father of seed technology?
- Seed requires moisture in soil
- Adequate temperature
- Oxygen to respire
- All the above
One of the following crop is not cultivated by sowing its seeds directly into soil. This one is :
(a) wheat (b) gram (chana) (c) paddy (d) maize (makka)
- Coffee
- Rice
- Mango
- Grape
Name two crops which are cultivated :
(a) by sowing seeds directly into fields.
(b) by transplanting.
Which of the following is not grown by transplantation ?
(a) chillies (b) tomatoes (c) peas (d) paddy
- sowing
- ploughing
- crop production
- crop rotation
Propagation of ginger is generally done using
(a) seed
(b) stem (rhizome)
(c) root
(d) leaf
Give reason for the following:
Broadcasting is not an efficient way of sowing seeds.
A) Sowing seeds ______
B) Levelling soil _______
C) Ploughing soil _______
D) Performing seed test _______
What are the events taking place during seed germination?
Which of the following is not a correct statement for sowing seeds ?
(a) seeds should be sown at right intervals
(b) seeds should be sown at right depth
(c) seeds hould be sown in dry soil
(d) seeds should not be sown in highly wet soil
- Broadcasting
- Ploughing
- Transplantation
- Tilling
The two crops which are not grown by sowing theri seeds directly into the soil in large fields are :
A. Peas B. Tomatoes C. Chillies D. Maize
(a) A and B (b) B and C (c) A and C (d) only C
Tomatoes are cultivated by the practice called :
(a) transpiration (b) translocation (c) transportation (d) transplantation
You have been given a completely dried out mango seed which looks dead. Is embryo inside the seed still alive? Do you think this seed can germinate? Give reasons to justify your answer.

- Sowing
- Ploughing
- Mulching
- Manuring
Identify the word--pair relationship.
Seed drill : ______
_______ : Breaking soil crumbs
Plough : _______