Tilling or Ploughing
Trending Questions
Write a paragraph in your own words on each of the following:
(a) Preparation of soil
(b) Sowing
(c) Weeding
(d) Threshing
Which activity of the farmer can promote growth of earthworms and microbes in the field?
What is ploughing (or tilling) ? Name any two implements used for tilling the fields.
- Allows root to breathe easily.
- Helps in soil erosion.
- Stops air from getting inside the soil.
- Stops water retention.
- True
- False
What are the advantages of preparing the soil?
- Makes the top soil nutrient rich.
- Makes decomposition by microbes easier.
- All of these.
Allows roots to penetrate the soil easily.
Why do farmers carry out levelling of the ploughed fields ?
- True
- False
State two beneficial effects of ploughing the fields (or loosening and turning the soil).
Which is the first step in the cultivation of a crop ?
What is use of a plank
- Ploughshare, ploughshaft
- ploughshaft, ploughshare
- ploughshare, handle
- bent plate, ploughshaft
Raise a kitchen garden at your home. You are provided with a khurpi,
water can, spade and shovel. List the other materials you would require to
raise the garden. How will you plan the garden? Write the steps.

- I only
- III only
- Both II and IV
- Both I and III
Explain preparation of soil?
- Recyclers
- recyclers
- manuring
- preparation
- harvesting
- Hoe
- Axe
- Plough
- Cultivator
Is mulching helpful in increasing soil fertility?
- harvesting
- preparation
- irrigation
- True
- False

- Sowing
- Irrigation
- Ploughing
- Harvesting
- Casing
- Cropping
- Composting
- Spawning
a) Sowing b) Levelling c) Ploughing
- Stones
- Fine soil
- Mud
- Gritty soil
- It allows the penetration of roots of plants.
- It helps in proper aeration and eradicates weeds.
- It promotes the growth of useful soil bacteria.
- All of the above.