Trending Questions
What is the relationship between the vapour pressure and boiling point?
People add sodium chloride to water while boiling eggs. This is to______________.
Differentiate between the melting point and boiling point, giving at least one example of each.
What is the normal boiling point of water? At what pressure does water boils at this temperature?
Arrange the gases present in air in the ascending order of their boiling points: argon, oxygen, nitrogen.
What is the physical state of water at 1000C .
Why is considered a polar covalent compound?
A liquid can change into vapour state
(a) at a fixed temperature, and
(b) at all temperatures
Name the processes involved in the two cases.
Explain the terms vaporization and boiling point.
Name the factors that affect the boiling point of a liquid.
Why a football inflated inside and then taken outdoors on a winter day shrinks slightly?
- 0, 100
- 4, 100
- 100, 0
- 100, 4
Which principle does pressure cooker use?
Increasing boiling point with steady vapour pressure
More vapour pressure, increase in boiling point
Decrease in vapour pressure, increase in boiling point
Less vapour pressure, decrease in boiling point
- X < 150 oC
Y < 50 oC - X > 150 oC
Y > 50 oC - X = 150 oC
Y = 50 oC - X = 50 oC
Y = 150 oC
Boiling water causes more severe burns than steam.
Boiling water
We use a pressure cooker to cook at high altitudes because of the following reason(s).
It increases the pressure inside the cooker.
It decreases the pressure inside the cooker.
it increases the boiling point of water.
it decreases the boiling point of water.
The temperature at which a liquid changes into its gaseous form is called ______
What makes water evaporate in vacuum....pls explain at molecular level and also how pressure affects change of state of matter....pls explain at molecular level

- B and C
- A and C
- C and D
- A and B