Classification of Matter
Trending Questions
- Electron sharing
- Electron transfer
- Loss of electrons
- Gain of electrons
Nonmetals generally form
none of the above
1. Electron is complete in each hydrogen in a
hydrogen molecule.
2. Sodium chloride is compound while hydrogen
chloride is compound.
3. Chlorine (Cl2) molecule is formed by
of electrons between two chlorine atoms.
निम्नलिखित चित्रों तथा इसके नीचे दिये गये कथनों पर विचार कीजिए।

I. H2 gas will evolve from beaker A.
I. बीकर A से H2 गैस मुक्त होगी।
II. Solution of beaker B will change red litmus blue as it is acidic in nature.
II. बीकर B का विलयन लाल लिटमस को नीले रंग में परिवर्तित कर देगा क्योंकि यह अम्लीय प्रकृति का होता है।
III. Solution of beaker C will be sulphurous acid which will turn blue litmus red.
III. बीकर C का विलयन सल्फ्यूरस अम्ल होगा जो नीले लिटमस को लाल कर देगा।
IV. No reaction will take place in beaker A.
IV. बीकर A में कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं होगी।
V. Solution of beaker B reacts with carbon to give a gas which burns with a pop sound.
V. बीकर B के विलयन की कार्बन के साथ अभिक्रिया पर एक गैस मुक्त होती है जो पॉप ध्वनि के साथ जलती है।
The incorrect statements are
गलत कथन हैं
- I, II and III
I, II तथा III - II, III and IV
II, III तथा IV - III, IV and V
III, IV तथा V - I, II and V
I, II तथा V
Which of the following is/are the reason/s for the reactivity of elements?
Tendency to attain noble gas configuration
B and C
Passing of electric current
Change of state
The elements B [ At. No. 7 ] Have atomic mass 14.
Write the number of protons, number of electrons, and electronic configuration of the element and hence, state whether the elements are noble gases and why.
- Baking Soda
- Curd
- Orange
- Vinegar
- Orange
- Curd
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
What happens to reactivty coming down a group in each case (from groups1, 2, 13-18)
State true or false:
Metalloids are highly electropositive.
Which of the following bond/s contain ions?
(i) Ionic bond
(ii) Covalent bond
(iii) Metallic bond
(i) and (iii)
(ii) and (iii)
(i), (ii) and (iii)
only (i)
- It contains positive ions and negative ions
- It contains shared electrons
- It involves electrostatic interaction
- It contains electropositive and electronegative elements
- Its molecular formula is CO2
- Its molecular mass is 44 u
- Dense than air
- It always exists as gas
Why can you smell the perfume of incense stick ?
Name the category and also the reason for the creation of that category.
Complete the following electron dot diagrams :
- Electronegative elements
- Electroneutral elements
- All of the above
- Electropositive elements
- Metals
- Metalloids
- Both metals and metalloids
- Non-metals
Which of the following bonds has a lot of free moving electrons?
- Ionic
- Covalent
- All of the above
- Metallic
- one oxygen atom loses electrons.
- one oxygen atom gains electrons.
- two oxygen atoms share electrons.
- ionized oxygen atoms are drowned in a sea of electrons.
Which of the following is/are the requirements for the formation of the metallic bond?
(i) Formation of negative ions.
(ii) Formation of positive ions.
(iii) Freely moving electrons.
(iv) Sharing of electrons between two atoms.
(i) and (ii)
(ii) and (iii)
(iii) and (iv)
(i) and (iv)