Greenhouse Effect
Trending Questions
The atmosphere of the earth is heated by radiation which is mainly:
Radiated by the sun
Re-radiated by land
Re-radiated by water
Re-radiated by land and water
The greenhouse effect is the process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface.
release of sun's heat energy by green house gases
trapping of sun's heat energy by green house gases
- carbon dioxide
- carbon monoxide
- sulphur dioxide
What causes carbon dioxide to absorb infrared light?
Why is it called greenhouse?
Why does the burning of fossil fuels cause air pollution?
Heating of the Earths surface due to radiation of the Sun trapped by carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is called _______________
Describe greenhouse effect. [3 MARKS]
Explain the term 'green house effect'. What are its benefits? How is it harmful?
We read in newspapers that the burning of fuels is a major cause of global warming. Explain why?
What is 'greenhouse effect'? State its importantce for us.
Give reasons for the following :
(a) An excess of carbon dioxide increases the temperature of the earth.
(b) Soda acid and foam type of fire extinguishers are not used for extinguishing electrical fires.
(c) Solid carbon dioxide is used for the refrigeration of food.
Which of the following causes forest disappearance?
Increasing population
For agriculture
All of these
Which of the following statement is correct regarding Sun's radiation on Earth?
Fifty percent of the radiation is reflected while fifty percent of it gets absorbed
- All the radiations received on Earth get absorbed
Some of the radiation is reflected while most of it is absorbed
Most of the radiation is reflected while some of it gets absorbed
Why does the burning of fossil fuels cause air pollution?
Can global warming be a causative agent of wildfires?
- Ozone layer
- Greenhouse effect
- Radioactive effect
- Solar effect
- Nitrogen oxide
- Sulphur dioxide
- Carbon monoxide
- Carbon dioxide
Question 6
Incomplete combustion of fuel such as petrol and diesel gives
(a) Nitrogen oxide
(b) Sulphur dioxide
(c) Carbon monoxide
(d) Carbon dioxide
D. Write ‘True or ‘False’ for the following statements.
5. The trapping of solar heat energy in the earths atmosphere is called greenhouse effect.
- True
- False
What Percent Of Global Warming Is Caused By Humans?
(a) True
(b) False
- CO2
- Methane
- Both a & b
- Chlorine
- Burning of fossil fuels
- Deforestation
- Industrialization
- All of the above
What is deforestation?
We read in newspapers that burning of fuels is a major cause of global warming. Explain why.
How does excessive burning of fuel cause global warming?